
Favorite Quotes - Part 3

"...because I'm the man and you're my property. It says so in the Bible...(and then making quotations gesture with both hands)...PROP...PURR...TEEE!!!"

It really is truly amazing that I was married for as many years as I was. Whenever I wanted a sure fire way to hit my ex-wife's button, I would use the above quote to explain why I was right in an argument that we were having. Nothing set her off quite like it. It would usually cause her to vault at me in attempt to choke me to death.

"Suck it like you're trying to find the cure!"

This quote is predominantly uttered by Irish although I'm not exactly sure of it's origin. It's meaning is self explanatory.

"Hung like a bull hamster"

Compliments of HMO Blue, explaining a man's (sometimes his own) natural endowments. This always makes me chuckle. Alternative saying "Hung like an infant". Funny stuff.

"Just tell Blue to run a back end query"

This is just about my favorite saying at work and comes courtesy of Poppinfresh. Whenever we have some sort of programming issue, Poppinfresh asks Blue (our senior Boys Club member with cantankerous tendencies) to "run a back end query" to fix the problem. The back end query has become synonomous with waving a magic wand as being a cure all for every problem. Whenever anything is wrong, regardless of what it is, I always ask Blue for a back end query.

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