
Bluey's Angels: The Apples Don't Fall Far...

I like to play Halo 2 online from time to time with my friends. Sometimes we get together at my place and connect multiple Xboxes and shoot the images on the walls with projectors.

There's only one problem. Apart from not being particularly good at the game, I am not exactly a team player. My style of plays tends to be mindless and vengeful, bent on random and wanton destruction. I can't seem to focus long enough to be part of a strategy. Of course, it drives my friends absolutely nuts. Because I am such a pain in the ass, I generally make no attempt to change my style of play. I don't know why Griffin, Irish and the multitude of online friends put up with me and allow me to play with them. I am sometimes just about likely to kill my teammate as I am the enemy. For some reason I just can't help myself. I always wondered if it was some sort of character flaw that maybe I should do something about. Griffin had thrown his hands up long ago with me. Sometimes I swear, I can hear his teeth grinding over his headset.

But, on Christmas, I was redeemed! I can't be held responsible!

You see, on Christmas, my three daughters received Shrek 2 from Santa and the game has the capacity for 4 player mode. I took Shrek, Loni took Princess Fiona, Bebis took Gingy and Kitty took Donkey. What followed was a lab experiment that I will never forget and was extremely enlightening.

Loni kept slowing down time, preventing us from proceeding while beating the rest of us up, Bebis had Gingy whacking us with a candy cane and throwing cookies at us and Kitty kept donkey blasting the rest of us every chance she got. It was a team effort thrust into total pandemonium.

As I watched the events develop, I cracked a smile. It was total chaos!

Any thoughts of these kids being the milkman's faded. I started drop kicking and belly flopping on everything that was within a foot of me, enemy and ally alike.

All was right with the world. I can't be held accountable for my style of play.I'm the product of my genetics.

Sweet vindication!

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