What does it take to do a little sabre rattling to put this "asshole" into place? It's good to see Japan growing some gonads and finally putting it's "Flower Power US written constitution" to the test and to start considering pre-emptive strikes on North Korean missle batteries. All the US would have to do is to nudge Japan into re-militarizing, and North Korea and China would both be quaking in their boots.
China should seriously consider joining the Film Actors Guild (F.A.G., oops, I think I just joined Ozzie Guillen in making insensitive homosexual remarks) for their pansy ass stance on North Korea. Nothing like letting global politics getting in the way of doing the right thing.
I think I saw an EW article about actor, Arec Barwdwin, hopping a plane to Pyongyang to aid peace efforts. C'mon China, vote for the sanctions and make Kim Jong Il a little more "ronery".
And don't forget to run out and watch one hell of a funny movie, Team America: World Police. It is a goldmine of funny lines.
"Derka, derka islamic jihad derka."
and I'll leave you with my favorite nuggets from the deleted scenes...
[Deleted Scene] Spottswoode: Team, this is all my fault. I was overzealous in Cairo. I let racism cloud my judgment. I was so sure the ultimate terrorist was Middle Eastern, but I didn't realize he was a goddamn Gook. I'll never be a racist again.
[Deleted Scene] Gary Johnston: I'm leaving. I'm out.
Spottswoode: No, Gary! You can't leave! We need you now, more than ever!
Gary Johnston: Don't you see what's going on out there? Everyone hates us!
Spottswoode: Hey, now, everyone hated Winnie the Pooh, too.
Gary Johnston: No, they didn't!
Spottswoode: Well, I did. That cocksucking bear killed Jack Kennedy!
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