Please forgive me, I don't watch the show, so I have no idea if she actually won or not. I do kinda dig her voice and I have to admit that I do actually like the song. I have it on my Ipod.
But, my main point is that when this song came out, I could have sworn that I had heard the signature chorus before (begins with "what is this feeling taking over?"), and it just kept haunting me that this song was either a remake or ripped off from another tune. To this day, I get the same feeling from No Doubt's "Don't Speak" and its' chorus. I swear Gwen Stefani and the boys lifted it from another song. But back to Miss Clarkson, Plagey McPlagerson.
Yesterday, I finally heard the song that Clarkson ripped her chorus from. And, it was an 80's tune just like I suspected. This was why I was unable to promptly place the song. I'm not a huge fan of 80's pop, unlike my buddy Hamdog. It's a Duran Duran tune to boot. It's called "Come Undone" and also is a pretty catchy tune with the same catchy chorus albeit different words (begins with "can't ever keep from falling apart") and also sung by a woman with almost identical syllabic inflection.
Now, both songs in their entirety have a different feel and sound to them, but the choruses are eerily familiar. If Kelly didn't directly rip Duran Duran off, she obviously had "Come Undone" stuck somewhere in her subconscience. If you remotely care, have a listen, and judge for yourself.
Finally, I could put the bug that's been crawling around in my brain about "Miss Independent" out of its' misery. Now if I can only remember where I heard the "Don't Speak" chorus from, I'll be a happy man. This stuff drives me crazy!
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