Are you kidding me? What kind of crazy fucked up world are we living in when lawmakers have nothing better to do than to write such unconstitutional and undefendable bullshit laws?
So, let me get this straight. It's okay to sit on a park bench with sunflower seeds and feed the birds, but if some desperately hungry homeless person approaches you, it is unlawful to share your sandwich with them?
Now, the law has been written to dissuade mobile food kitchens from feeding the homeless in park areas. Supposedly the parks are unusable by the rest of the "well fed" citizens due to the abundance of transients who congest the park for feeding time. To have such a law on the books at all is unbelievable.
Where exactly, the homeless should go for their meals is not covered in the article. One can only assume that it is preferential to let them go hungry or make them walk miles for a meal.
Isn't the real problem, why the existence of so many homeless in the first place? Not whether we choose to feed them or give them money. If I want to split my lunch with a homeless person and a cop came up to me and cite me for it, I'd tell him (or her), to go fuck themselves. Isn't this a free country, after all? How the hell does the government get off telling me that I can't feed my fellow man if I choose to do so? Get your fat legislative asses off your chairs and try to find alternatives to solving the homeless problem instead of telling me what I can and can't do. You can't solve the homeless dilemma, so you transfer that responsibility onto me?
So, after I get done reading that story, do I happen upon a PETA story and their lamentations on why the US isn't doing more to evacuate "American" animals from Beirut, Lebanon. Apparently, the evacuation vessels are not letting people bring their family pets with them.
Are you kidding me? We're trying to pack as many people as possible on ships and people are wondering why it would be a bad idea to fill the ship with cats, dogs, birds and god knows what else? This is a life or death situation. Either get on the fucking boat sans pets or have a nice life in Beirut. Time is of the essence. You have a naval blocade that is preventing supplies (mainly food) from reaching Beirut and people going without basic services, including clean water etc... and we're worrying about jamming pets on rescue boats?
Let PETA rent a cruise liner to travel to Beirut after all Americans have been evacuated and let them send off their cadre of half starved vegetarian bimbos and fat lazy yenta enclave to round up the pets while bombs are dropping. If you people love animals so much, go put your life on the line for them and don't ask US Marines to put theirs on the line for your stupid cause. If there is only one way out of the war zone, last I checked, you don't have many choices. You have innocent people in Lebanon dying, who want no part in this war and are caught in the middle. You have thousands of Canadian families still waiting for their government to evacuate them. Fight for them to get on boats to safety, not fucking dogs and cats!
They should have offered bags with 20 lb weights at the port for people to put their pets into, tie off the bag and drop right into the ocean.
I wonder what PETA would have thought of that???
Stories like these make me wonder how our world became so retarded. But I already know what the answer is. People having way too much time on their hands and no real life issues to deal with on a daily basis. Spoiled, sheltered brats without any sense of priority. God, I fear for this country if we ever had a major crisis. I think that more than half of the population would curl up and die without a fight.
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