
Favorite Quotes: Part 1

This segment will be a blog series. I will add them as I think of them.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I've been collecting quotes my whole life. There are some quotes that I've been using since I was eleven years old such as:

"What the hell do you think this is?...Coney Island?...I've got to get to work in the morning!"
That phrase was uttered by our town drunk after a few neighborhood kids set off blockbusters in the sewer, waking him up from a night of excess. Of course he slurred the words and I've been laughing about it ever since and still use it constantly to this day. These are some of my favorite quotes to repeat. I have not authored all of these.

"Naked women offend me"
Bluey generated quote continually repeated to absolve me from going to strip clubs with my friends

"You're giving me cancer"
My older sister, Vicki uttered to her eldest son when he was giving her a hard time. This may be an all time favorite. I say it jokingly to my kids and just about everyone else now

"I'm not gay...but aren't unicorns awesome!"
My "adopted" son Pimp-n-Playa, said during a moment of extreme silliness. I think this quote is golden

Okay, that's a start. Stay tuned for more.

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