
Tay Tay's Brand New Toy: The Honda Big Red!

We've needed a utility vehicle on our 10 acre farm for awhile and Tay Tay's been begging for a John Deere Gator for almost 2 years plus. Everytime we pass a neighbor of ours, she points out the fact that they have TWO freaking John Deere gators!

The first time she did this, I said to her..."What do you need a Gator for?"

"Well, I can drive down and pick up the mail with it."

"Pick up the mail? Are you kidding me? You need an expensive utility vehicle to pick up the mail? Are you nuts? We don't need to spend that much to make sure our mail makes it into the house."

I think that kind of crushed her because she had every opportunity to extol the virtues of having a utility and unfortunately the first thing she blurts out is the 40 yard drive to our mailbox.

At that point, every time she brought it up, I quickly joked about her getting the mail with it. She got to the point where she didn't think that she'd ever get one.

Until today...I surprised her by saying that we should drop by and take a look at a utility vehicle. She suggested the Honda Big Red instead of a Gator. The strange thing about it was that I'd been researching these vehicles for months and came to the same conclusion. Plus, her whole family is a "Honda...til death do us part" type of family.

So, cut to the chase. Tay got the vehicle of her dreams today! She's out with Bebis right now tooling around the farm. God, I think this purchase just turned her into a ten year old kid today. Isn't that awesome? Here are some pics from earlier!


"The Don" (AKA Tankboy) said...

Bluey, very cool. Something just struck me..Looking at the front view in the first pic, is it me, or does this thing kind of look like a warthog right out of Halo? All you need to add is a couple tow hooks on the frame and a 20mm gatling gun turret on top!

Bluey said...

Damn, you're right. No wonder why I couldn't stop myself from buying it. I think I'm going to have to get a gatling gun on that thing and have the guys over, spawning all over my property while I gun them down!

Care to drive?

"The Don" (AKA Tankboy) said...

Absolutely. That would be great fun...now all we need are a few of your namesake grenades and we'll have a ball!

Anonymous said...

I have to tell ya, that thing sure will eat up a mud hole!! Just ask Pappy.


Bluey's World Merchandise