
...But In The Process, Tay Busts Her Ass!

Who to better tell this story than Tay herself? Here is Tay's email to her cousin LiLi:

"Read Rich's blog later if you want a good laugh. You'll never believe what he just bought me. I am quite possibly the most spoiled wife. The funny part of the post will be second, I think. I'll give you a heads up...well, you'll know why after reading this

We were at the Honda shop & waiting to fill out paper work, I got tired of walking around so I went to sit on a quad on the showroom floor, I didn't straddle it but just put one foot on the foot pedal & went to sit on it backwards like a bench. I was expecting a big flat seat like our quad so I sat way back, well the seat on those racers are very thin so when I sat down, the seat was like under the bend of my leg & the end of the seat was at like the top of my thigh. It was too late, all my weight was in the sit down mode. I had no balance what so ever & I went rolling ass over tin cup backwards off the quad. It was so fucking funny but I couldn't laugh because the worst part was that on those racer quads, they have big sharp teeth as foot pedals so you dont slip so when I fell down off the other side they cut squarely into my ass. It hurt so fucking bad that I was practically crying but of course also laughing because the showroom was full of people & I knew that everyone saw me. I also cut my middle finger & broke 2 nails. After I got up & got my bearings about me, I went into the bathroom & looked in the mirror & my ass was bleeding, You can see where 3 teeth went in.

How many times did we listen to our parents saying "you're going to fall & bust your ass"? I finally just went & did it myself. Yes, I busted my ass! How's that for a visual??"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny as hell!


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