They walk up to the airport gate with their suitcase and a backpack that looks like it has a human being stuffed inside. They don't give a fuck how much airplane overhead space they'll take up. They struggle to put an eighty pound 44" suitcase into an overhead compartment. They squash everything already in the compartments, including laptops, in an attempt to fit a suitcase that frankly, SHOULD HAVE FUCKING BEEN CHECKED IN at the check-in counter.
Of course, many of these folks have been doing this for years in an effort to skip the trip to baggage pickup but many have been created by the stupid airlines' new bag charge policies.
Here's a novel thought. Charge the bag fees for the retards who stuff the plane full of their luggage instead of penalizing the rest of us who put our luggage in the proper place on the plane, the fucking cargo hold!
Now, in addtion to squeezing my body into a seat for five hours, my legroom disappears because I had the audacity to carry-on a laptop computer. I'd put it in overhead storage but the folks in the first 10 rows of a 30 row plane used every fucking inch of overhead space! So legs, let me introduce you to my laptop for five fucking hours!
One stupid bitch almost killed an elderly lady by nearly dropping her huge bag on her head because it weighed too much to lift or remove from above.
How difficult is it to check in your bags? Quit being such cheap ass bastards and show a little courtesy to those around you, you fucking inconsiderate jackasses!
You got to love a security system that makes some girl remove her flip flops for a bomb but allows so much luggage to be allowed in the overhead areas. Does that make any sense whatsoever? Not to me.
I'd rather the airlines forced folks to check in EVERYTHING, than continue this nonsense system.
Hey fuckers...if you can't part with your luggage, do the rest of us a favor and drive there yourselves.
Dude...I don't see how what anybody is wearing on a plane directly affects me. I could care less.
Monopolizing the overhead space does affect me when I have to travel 5 hours with no legroom.
From what I saw during my two flights, there was no rhyme or reason over who was carrying on luggage. Young/old, rich/poor, they all did it.
I did blame the airlines in my post but at some point you have to hold folks accountable for their rudeness and patent disregard for other travelers.
It drives me crazy to see people take bags on board that they can't themselves lift into an overhead bin? What is important that it has to be in that bag? They never take it down the whole flight.
There should be a rule. Before you get on the plane, you have to lift, under your own power, every bag you plan to carry on, over your head. If you can't lift it over your head, you have to check it or leave it behind.
There's a similar thing that bugs me with people on subways and bags on wheels. Everyone is rushing to catch a subway, and some jackass that can't control her bag on wheels drops it, and someone trips over it or has to jump out of the bag's way.
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