"She was crying the other day about losing in Iowa", Stacey exclaimed.
"I'm sure that the crying fit was a calculated move by her spin squad", I cynically replied.
"No. I saw it. She was actually crying! Who the hell wants a president who is going to flake out and start crying the moment things seem to be going against them?"
"Apparently the women of New Hampshire do"
"That is bullshit. I don't want some crybaby as my president", Tay replied.
It made me think. I never really thought much about Hillary's despair after Iowa. Maybe because having five peteys of my own, I'm used to women getting emotional and think nothing of it.
But, what does it really mean, if anything? Does it imply an inherent weakness that is inconsistent with the qualifications of a presidential candidate? The more I think about it, the more I am in agreement with Tay's statement.
But I guess I don't take it too serious, because I feel that Hillary is absolutely unelectable. Too many people despise her. She'd have to get overwhelming support by women nationwide to even have a prayer and conservative women can't stand her.
But should her teary eyed despair disqualify her from consideration in voters eyes? Any thoughts?
If she cries in front of Ahmadinejad or Kim Jung Il, we'll be the laughing stock of the solar system.
I'm with you and Choder. If a man would have done that in that situation, he would have been done like dinner. I also agree that Hilary is not electable. She is a even more polarizing figure than GW (tough to pull off). While I think she is very intelligent, I also firmly believe she would never have made it to where she is without riding Bill's coat-tails.
Besides, the question I ask myself is do I really want to worry about her nuking China because she's having a bad case of PMS?
I know that's totally sexist and I'm going to hell and all, but you have to wonder don't you? I mean, my wife is a rational, intelligent woman , but once a month....
.......you guys understand I'm sure.
I don't want my president or any elected leader crying. But have you noticed how much adult crying goes on in society nowadays? It's disgusting. It's like crying now somehow stands for being "authentic" and "real". I was watching parts of "The Biggest Loser" the other day, and in 45 minutes, I would say that 9 people cried over such important issues as their fatness and their inability to do anything about it, other than cry, or they cried to show how genuine they were in their pursuit to lose weight. "Oprah" is a cryfest, and don't even get me started on the Lifetime Network. And no one ever tells these cryers to grow up and act in an adult manner, or to go off and compose themselves, society just encourages them to cry and let it all out. It makes me sick.
In a separate and sure to be unpopular note on this blog, when all the shouting is done, Hillary is going to be elected. I know there is a segment of society that pathologically hates her, but that's not enough to stop her. Obama is too unseasoned, Edwards is untrustworthy, and the Republicans are wasting time in finding a candidate the whole party will support.
Obviously, I need to shed some light on feminine behavior.
Bluey, I'm shocked you didn't at least defend the women here even a bit having a history of study in women's biology! It's just nature.
While I agree with Tay that I do NOT want to see my president crying ON CAMERA, I do not have an issue with her crying. You may remember in the movie, Courage under fire, Meg Ryan cries during combat to the horror of her male associates. They attack her for it and she replies so perfectly, "It's just stress asshole!".
That's what we do, that's how we handle it. Let me say that again. We HANDLE it. Crying doesn't necessarily equal weakness. Men, who don't deal with things usually, then find themselves acting out to cope with stress. I'm sure you can all insert a favorite memory here...
So, before you all jump to conclusions, whether or not she is qualified to be president, crying is not at all the issue. The fact that she cried on camera is what bothers me. I didn't see it so I can't say what I think the purpose was if there was one.
But PMS...I'll give you that one!
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