I could really care less whether we build a fence or not, since Mexicans will find a way here regardless of any physical barrier, but I'm aware of eminent domain, in which people lose their property to even more nonsensical things every day.
But the story made me chuckle because I thought of the perfect American solution to that problem. Build the fence between their property and the United States and renounce their citizenship. Crisis solved.
Congratulations, now you are a Mexican!
im so sick of people automaticly thinking of mexicans when they hear illeagal aliens personally i have no problem with people that come to the u.s. to work. truth be told theres far more illeagal jews,chinese,and russians.but noone says anything about the jews because they run new york.they also dont say anything about the chinese and russians because they offer a great service in this country like strip clubs, rub and tugs, and prostitution. inever seen a mexican in any of those wonderful proffesions have you.
oh i forgot lets not forget about the arabs since 9/11 there has been an overwellming amount of musslims in new york its so bad that in the past few years bayridge brooklyn went from itallian american to all musslim. anyone want to buy a nuke?
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