
Bluey Obituary: Heath Ledger

I actually liked Heath Ledger as an actor and also posthumously forgive him for his Brokeback Mountain role as a gay cowboy. How big of me...huh?

It's always a shame when someone so young dies. I don't really care to speculate on whether it was a drug overdose, suicide or Mary Kate Olsen that killed Mr. Ledger. I'll leave those wild accusations and charges to Nancy Grace.

But, as uninterested in the Batman movies as I have been, the pictures of Ledger as the Joker, is really sucking me in. The movie execs are talking about reducing Heath's exposure in future ads promoting the movie. This is a pansy-assed mistake.

If it was me who was dead, I'd want the show to go on. This will be one of Heath's last two chances to carve out his place among his peers. So, build up the movie by any means necessary. I'm sure Heath would have as many people see this movie as possible.

I really liked him in "The Patriot", the modern Shakespearean adaptation of The Taming of the Shrew, "10 Things I Hate About You" and also have a soft spot in my heart for "A Knight's Tale".

It sounds like he went gently into that good night. What more can you ask of death?

1 comment:

"The Don" (AKA Tankboy) said...

Bluey, I agree. From the little bit I've read, he really put a lot into the role, as he felt an iconic role like the joker really needed to be done well..especially when you are trying to live up to Jack Nicholson's performance. I had been lukewarm on the Batman movies aside from the first one with Keaton/Nicholson, until the latest "Batman Begins", which I really thought did a great job showing a grittier, more believable character who had his own flaws to deal with and villians with shades of gray. Hopefully the second installment will carry on where the first one left off.

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