One of the first conversations concerned the various euphemisms for the vagina and why the word cunt brings such a visceral response from females whereas pussy or twat don't seem to even touch a tenth of the nerve that is reserved for the dreaded "c" word.
Tracer tried to elaborate why cunt is the nastier word but I remained unconvinced that her explanations truly hit the point. Aren't all the words supposed to mean the same thing? Why do similar meaning words have such varying connotations? I have to imagine at one point historically, the word must have been used in some derogatory slander of women to give it such disdain such as "nigger" gets it's power from it's tie to rascism.
Alas, I guess I won't find out tonight but I am still inquisitive. When used as noun not referring to the vagina, pussy means wimp, pansy, fag or has some sort of effeminate descriptive (usually tagged to a man). Twat used as a noun seems to indicate someone who is stupid, annoying or insignificant. But, you hurl the word cunt at a woman and watch out!
Tracer said that there is no other word that you can call a woman that is worse than cunt. It's a big no-no.
"Then I guess if I called you an axe-wound, that would be okay?"(punch in the arm)
I guess not. It seems that calling a woman an axe-wound is synonomous to calling her a cunt.
Isn't research great?Have a safe trip everybody. See you soon.
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