You can take Barry Bonds' swollen fat head, Sammy Sosa's gay corked bat, Mark McGwire's shriveled integrity, Jose Canseco's ass syringes and Raffy Palmeiro's fucking perjury and do the right thing.
Elect Mr. David Arthur Kingman to the Hall of Fame. His mammoth blasts and legendary pop-ups (hit the Astrodome roof for a ground rule double and the Metrodome roof for a foul ball) were absolutely stunning. His at bats were a pure joy to watch. You never knew when you were going to see a 550 foot HR or something you've never seen before. Kingman was rail thin his whole career and his massive uppercut swing either provided fireworks or a trip back to the bench after a strikeout. It was impossible to breathe whenever Kingman swung the bat.
His HR to at bat ratio still rivals Babe Ruth's and his 442 career HR's were accomplished without chemical enhancements or poor post expansion pitching. Kingman was a true character of the game and his gift of a dead rat to a female sportswriter was classic. He was a quiet and gentle giant (6'6") who never asked for the spotlight and he was unceremoniously ushered out of baseball due to baseball owners collusion after a 36 HR season with the A's. He could have easily reached 500 HRs and it's a shame that his career was cut short while he was still productive.
Sure Kingman struck out alot, but not any more than Reggie Jackson, who is universally revered for one 3 HR game and had the benefit of playing on perennial winning teams in Oakland and New York.
I am a Dave Kingman disciple. He is my favorite all time player and I will not rest singing his praises until MLB puts him into the Hall of Fame. With all these steroid junkies passing Kingman on the all time HR list, it's time we make things right, make a statement and put "Kong" into the HOF!
If you never heard Tommy Lasorda's obscenity laced tirade after a 4 HR performance by Kingman against the LA Dodgers, google it and take a listen. It is priceless. I'm not saying that Dave Kingman was one of the best to play the game, but he is certainly as deserving as some who are currently in the Hall of Fame. Baseball should hold precious it's beloved characters. Kingman was a player for the ages. No player before him or since could match his pure power without steroids. In my mind, that makes him a legend.
My sister, Kreeshka's boyfriend got me an autographed Kingman bat this Christmas. It stirred all these feelings up again and I'm invigorated to carry the Kingman torch again. I used to have a saying back in the 80's that summed up my feelings.
"Kingman is God!"
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