Saving The Lazy River!

When Does It End?

Goldman received about 13B from that AIG payment to be made whole.
Goldman Sachs, now, is theoretically, paying back their TARP bailout now with AIG bailout funds?
Honestly, Is nobody paying attention?
Goldman just robbed the American taxpayer and is getting away with it with blessings from Tim Geithner. Now, Tim Geithner is trying to exercise more power over financial institutions that took bailout money.
I guess the fox (Goldman Sachs) just escaped the coop with a henhouse full of chickens (taxpayer money) with the watchdog's (the Obama administration's) blessing!
Goldman has been made whole on the taxpayer's dime and will probably escape government scrutiny and be exempt from executive pay limitations. How convenient!
If Goldman Returns Aid, Will Others? - General * US * News * Story - CNBC.com
Source: www.cnbc.com
Goldman Sachs is planning to give back its TARP money soon. Very soon, actually — ideally within the next month, according to people involved in the process.
Tay Tay's Brand New Toy: The Honda Big Red!
...But In The Process, Tay Busts Her Ass!
"Read Rich's blog later if you want a good laugh. You'll never believe what he just bought me. I am quite possibly the most spoiled wife. The funny part of the post will be second, I think. I'll give you a heads up...well, you'll know why after reading this
We were at the Honda shop & waiting to fill out paper work, I got tired of walking around so I went to sit on a quad on the showroom floor, I didn't straddle it but just put one foot on the foot pedal & went to sit on it backwards like a bench. I was expecting a big flat seat like our quad so I sat way back, well the seat on those racers are very thin so when I sat down, the seat was like under the bend of my leg & the end of the seat was at like the top of my thigh. It was too late, all my weight was in the sit down mode. I had no balance what so ever & I went rolling ass over tin cup backwards off the quad. It was so fucking funny but I couldn't laugh because the worst part was that on those racer quads, they have big sharp teeth as foot pedals so you dont slip so when I fell down off the other side they cut squarely into my ass. It hurt so fucking bad that I was practically crying but of course also laughing because the showroom was full of people & I knew that everyone saw me. I also cut my middle finger & broke 2 nails. After I got up & got my bearings about me, I went into the bathroom & looked in the mirror & my ass was bleeding, You can see where 3 teeth went in.
How many times did we listen to our parents saying "you're going to fall & bust your ass"? I finally just went & did it myself. Yes, I busted my ass! How's that for a visual??"
Isn't Child Labor Wonderful?

Government Asleep At The Wheel!

In essence, the US taxpayer just paid 32 Billion to foreign banks! Add another 13B to Obama's government advisor buddies at Goldman Sachs and instead of an AIG bailout, we got a covert bailout of other institutions, who were probably made whole on our dime.
The biggest recipients of the AIG money were Goldman Sachs at $12.9 billion, and three European banks -- France's Societe Generale at $11.9 billion, Germany's Deutsche Bank at $11.8 billion, and Britain's Barclays PLC at $8.5 billion.
Fucking heads better roll on this one and I hope Barney Frank pulls his head out of his ass long enough to realize which travesty should take immediate priority!
Of course, the media will probably focus on Frank's rattling over the 160M payout to executives instead of the real issue here. No surprise, you have to go to a foreign source to get a decent account.
Update: Finally, a day later! The US media jumps into the fray! It's about time!
The NHL On The Brink Of Losing This Fan

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at the Benedum

Let's Roast Some Porky Senators!

How about we build a big bonfire and roast 20 senators for their woefully piggy earmarks added to the most recent spending bills?
I mean, honestly...we really need to weed out these jokers, both Democrats and Republicans. I'm tired of having to pay for their frigging nonsense pet projects.
Here's a breakdown of the top 20 earmarking senators and the value of their solo earmarks:
1) Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. -- $122,804,900
2) Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. -- $114,484,250
3) Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo. -- $85,691,491
4) Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. -- $76,899,425
5) Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss. -- $75,908,475
6) Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska -- $74,000,750
7) Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa -- $66,860,000
8) Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. -- $53,133,500
9) Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. -- $51,186,000
10) Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii -- $46,380,205
11) Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash. -- $39,228,250
12) Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. -- $36,547,100
13) Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. -- $36,161,125
14) Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. -- $35,577,250
15) Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa. -- $27,169,750
16) Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev. -- $26,628,613
17) Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa. -- $25,320,000
18) Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis. -- $23,832,000
19) Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. -- $21,952,250
20) Former Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M. -- $19,588,625
A New Class of Travelers: Carry-On Retards

They walk up to the airport gate with their suitcase and a backpack that looks like it has a human being stuffed inside. They don't give a fuck how much airplane overhead space they'll take up. They struggle to put an eighty pound 44" suitcase into an overhead compartment. They squash everything already in the compartments, including laptops, in an attempt to fit a suitcase that frankly, SHOULD HAVE FUCKING BEEN CHECKED IN at the check-in counter.
Of course, many of these folks have been doing this for years in an effort to skip the trip to baggage pickup but many have been created by the stupid airlines' new bag charge policies.
Here's a novel thought. Charge the bag fees for the retards who stuff the plane full of their luggage instead of penalizing the rest of us who put our luggage in the proper place on the plane, the fucking cargo hold!
Now, in addtion to squeezing my body into a seat for five hours, my legroom disappears because I had the audacity to carry-on a laptop computer. I'd put it in overhead storage but the folks in the first 10 rows of a 30 row plane used every fucking inch of overhead space! So legs, let me introduce you to my laptop for five fucking hours!
One stupid bitch almost killed an elderly lady by nearly dropping her huge bag on her head because it weighed too much to lift or remove from above.
How difficult is it to check in your bags? Quit being such cheap ass bastards and show a little courtesy to those around you, you fucking inconsiderate jackasses!
You got to love a security system that makes some girl remove her flip flops for a bomb but allows so much luggage to be allowed in the overhead areas. Does that make any sense whatsoever? Not to me.
I'd rather the airlines forced folks to check in EVERYTHING, than continue this nonsense system.
Hey fuckers...if you can't part with your luggage, do the rest of us a favor and drive there yourselves.