Was it his 1.22M office? Was it the 3-4B in bonuses he okay'd right before Bank of America was to take ownership and "supposedly" before he knew that Merrill Lynch's numbers were going to be bad in the previous quarter? Was it the fact, that in the middle of the banking turmoil and while facing possible bankrupcy, that he insisted on himself getting a 10M bonus for "putting together" the Merrill Lynch/BAC deal? As if he had a choice not to go forward.
Honestly, the corporate culture and the unions are killing this country and we are choosing to bail these fuckers out.
I say nationalize the banks for the time being and allow the auto industry to go through bankruptcies. It's the only way to clean the scum out from their lofty perches...
Stop taking sides in class warfare and realize that both sides are hosing the fuck out of us!!!
Then the banks can be slowly re-privatized in time as buyers come back without the government (us) purchasing their fucktard toxic debt and we can renegotiate what a autoworker is really worth and not what some fatcat union boss demands that he/she is worth.
I'm so sick and tired of taking it up the ass by Corporate America and Unions. Enough already!
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