She'd tell me, "you don't have a clue what you're doing".
I'd tease her and say, "I watched the lumberjacks on ESPN and a bunch of Axemen episodes. I know how to do it".
Of course, the first tree I wanted to take down was about 10 feet from our garage, which raised Tay's anxiety level even higher. So, as the days passed since Christmas she's been sleeping with one eye and one ear open.
Until today.
I paid the 4 junior peteys $5 each to create a diversion in the house.
While Tay was occupied, I bustled outside, fired up the chainsaw and went to work on the tree. She became wise to the ruse but was too late to stop me.
She grabbed the camera because she was sure I was going to drop the dead tree on the garage and wanted to get evidence for posterity and future bribery.
And the results...Sweet Success!!!
Tay was truly amazed! Although a Downey woodpecker seemed to be giving me the evil eye...
You don't get the Bluey Bunyon award yet. You still look a little cityfied with those white shoes on.
Hey...I didn't need big heavt boots weighing me down.
In case I really had to run!
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