Flav and I chipped in with surprisingly our only two walleye of the day, while B caught a monster sheephead (among the multitude of them we caught) and Cal caught a bevy of white bass on line #4.
I kissed my walleye for luck but we couldn't get Flav to touch a fish all day, not even his walleye for a picture (he's plum scared of fish). That's what I blame the walleye drought on. After that, we cleaned up exclusively on white bass and sheephead as the walleye remained elusive.
Captain Popeye kept us entertained with tons of crazy boating stories and B proved to us that, miraculously, even on the open water with a breeze, his "healthy" system could make a boat stink for almost 5 minutes at a time.
Overall, a good time had by all.
1 comment:
That's a nice looking walleye. Walleye is in my humble opinion, the best tasting fish on earth. What part of the lake did you fish? I went with an outfitter a few years back and we KILLED'em. I'd tell you where, but you didn't invite me you dirty SOB. (grins). If you guys plan a repeat trip let me know if you have a spot.
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