Juno was much better than No Country For Old Men and There Will Be Blood. I can't remember whether Juno was nominated for Best Picture but so far, of the 2007 films I've seen, Juno is the best far and away.
An interesting movie from start to finish with great and imperfect characters. I won't give anything away but I really can't say enough about it. There really isn't a bad performance in the whole movie and the story and dialogue is real and entertaining.
My favorite scenes involve an ultrasound technologist getting told off by Juno's stepmother and Juno's conversation with her Dad near the end of the film. Pure gold!
Ellen Page, as Juno, should have also walked away with a Best Actress Oscar. And, I usually hate to see children even nominated.
I see Juno as an everyman (everywoman) with an uncanny ability to sort through the self serving bullshit of everyone else's own agendas and opinions. She's able to sift out the small truths in what she sees around her and makes her decisions without the taint of an oppressing belief system. I only wish that the rest of us could do that in our day to day lives without being the sheep we are.
Now, do I believe that any 16 year old could possess such qualities? Obviously not. But this is a work of fiction to be taken with a grain of salt.
After I watched the movie, I read reviews and laughed when I saw diametrically opposed arguments both claiming the movie to be pro life or pro choice.
The beauty of the movie is that it is neither nor does it try to be.
I think that the message I got is that people should do their own damn thinking and they'll be a lot happier for it. It also suggests that things and decisions are much easier in our life when the people around us are supportive versus ramming their opinions down our throats or judging us.
Just my two cents. I loved it.
Yep. Cali and I loved it, too. For all the reasons you mentioned. :) LiLi
Haven't seen the film yet, but it's on my list this summer. Diablo Cody may be a whack-job, but man can she write.
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