Of course it's never a good idea to infuriate your own party's most vocal contingent but I actually think that this would be a good idea and actually posed this pairing to my buddy Gavo's father-in-law a year or so back.
I like McCain because he brings a good conservative base with ideals to reach across the aisle and unite most Americans utilizing some nonpartisan common sense to each issue. He is not one to tow the party line like a robot. Joe Lieberman has those same sensibilities and it's no suprise that the two men have great respect for each other.
America finally needs a nonpartisan pairing to break the costly deadlock that the extreme left and right of each party have plagued our country with. Let's face it. America is a democracy that is being torn apart by the civil war between the nuts on both extremes. It's time to for those of us with some brains and common sense to shake hands and get these politicians to work for us instead of doing our fighting for minority held ideals.
The Wall Street Journal actually mentioned Lieberman as being on McCain's list of 20 possible VP candidates. I, for one, would like to see some critical independent problem solving occur in this country instead of this endless tug of war. Chop the wings off our parties already!
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