How exactly do you think you could possibly get away with wiring cash to a shell corporation running a prostitution ring and transporting your ho's across states for a little action on the side because Silda hasn't been giving it up lately? How full of yourself and your power do you have to be?
Apparently, there is a huge shortage of brains and a massive supply of cajones. Looking at the guy, I would have never guessed he had it in him. I guess his Napoleonic ego begged to differ.
Which leaves me with one last question as I watched his wife stand by his side.
From a wife's perspective, Is it more acceptable for your husband to pay a hooker $5400 for a tryst from time to time than find out that he's been having an affair with an acquantance or an intern?
1 comment:
Gov Spitzer is the king! He was all "holier than thou" as he was taking down the mutual fund industry for improprieties, and now he's a proud member of the Emerald Club! I hear his family is worth 500 million - couldn't he have paid cash for the ho's?
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