Are dems that stupid, that they can't figure out that losing the massive amounts of delegates (366) in Michigan and Florida, would make it very difficult to tease out a winner in a close race? It sounds like they probably thought Hillary was a slam dunk.
And then on top of that, they split the delegates in each state by popular vote, which is utter nonsense. If you're going to go by popular vote, then have everyone vote on a national primary day and let the winner take all. I always thought the primary system discounted the wishes of those states voting later in the process. Does punishing the fine citizens of Michigan and Florida for wanting to take an equal part in the process make any sense to anyone?
But the party that is supposedly for the "people", will eventually have the elite in the democratic party choose their candidate, while ignoring countless millions of democrats. Not that I really give a crap one way or the other, I'm a Republican, but I do find it very amusing.
While both candidates are pretty much mirror images of each other, it probably makes no difference who wins. At this point, it is a battle over who can promise tho most crazy social programs, turn tail in Iraq faster and fuck the rich and US businesses harder.
All the things that will make the US a great nation in their eyes.
1 comment:
I really want to run for congress and spend my entire term exposing these fucks on both sides of the aisle.
Every time Byrd wants a new highway named after him, or Kennedy tries some shady back room deal, I want the documents and my testimony on the 6 o'clock news.
With regard to your points, Dean fucked the Dems yet again. That guy is a train wreck.
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