
Bluey Obituary: Thank You Jesus!

...for finally taking Myron Cope! Possibly one of the most annoying and grating personalities in sports broadcasting history. He brought football broadcasting to an all time moronic low with all his "zany" myronisms like "Yoi", "Double Yoi" and the coup the grace, the "triple dog Yoi".

Ok, I made that last one up but c'mon. I know my Pittsburgh bretheren loved him but his voice gave me migraines and he added virtually nothing to a broadcast except for some local Pittsburgh flavor. When he lost his voice several years ago, I was happy because it meant that I no longer had to wish him dead.

Now Jesus has an "Immaculate Irritation" to deal with. Hopefully, Myron goes easy on the "dahntawn" schtick in heaven. He'll definitely test the "patience of a saint" theory!


Bluey said...

Agreed, but I would not be surprised if many of his local peers in broadcasting were less than enthusiastic about the quality of his career in this town. But to voice such feelings to one of Pittsburgh's "sacred cows" would be career suicide.

Beukey said...

I am a lifelong Pittsburgher, and I never could stand to listen to Cope. He was supposedly a hell of a sportswriter thought, but I've never read one of his signature pieces.

Anonymous said...

ok, I know that Cope's pittsburgh-eze went through my skull like a quarter inch drill bit being spun by a cordless drill with a dying battery, but celebrating the guy's death is a little over the top don't ya think?

I mean, the guy wasn't Saddam, or Hillary. ;)


Anonymous said...

I hated Cope too. I can only immagine what his writing was like. Maybe something like this..."And den, and den, dem dare Brooaanies, I mean Yoi Tunch".
Brilliant Myron!!


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