I hear Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage, Sean Hannity and others crying about Romney trailing McCain. They blame backroom deals and the split vote with Huckabee, the process, waah, waah, waah. According to them, no existing Republican is "conservative" enough for them. I'm fucking sick of hearing it. Maybe, just maybe, these guys are so far right that it's time to pull their heads out of their collective asses and realize that the clear majority of Republicans won't support the type of right wing nutjob they'd like to see run for president.
I think that it is time for both parties to shave off their extremists and come together in the middle to solve the country's problems already. If you're against an idea solely because the other party is for it, you qualify as an extremist. Our nation has been ripped apart by crooked politicians fighting their partisan wars. We are their lambs that have been brainwashed to tow their party lines. Enough is enough. Part of me hopes McCain reaches across and makes Joe Lieberman his Vice President just to further piss off the right wing nuts.
They claim McCain is a liberal Republican. That is total nonsense. There are conservatives and moderates in the Republican party. There are no liberals in the Republican party. A candidate may disagree with the party line on a few issues, but does this make him/her a liberal? I don't believe that for one second. And I'm tired of playing the violin while right wing extremists complain like little bitches. Get over it. Election time will come and you'll vote for McCain and guess what, life will go on. And you'll have 4 more years of material to complain about.
It's really time for Republicans and Democrats to take back our political process by jettisoning the nuts on both sides. Let them form their own crazy splintered parties. We spend a ton of money on unpassable bills that need too much backroom dealing to get House and Senate approval. A bill is either good or bad on its' own merit. Politicians buy and sell their votes and agree to pet spending projects to push their bills. They should go to fucking jail for this. The two parties working constantly against each other costs the US a ton of money and we get nowhere. I would suggest that it will eventually tear this country apart irreparably.
I would remind my fellow conservatives that the US is a democracy, which pretty much means that majority rules. If you have a problem with that, you are living in the wrong country. If you're trying to force all of your ideas down America's throat and are surprised that you get pushback, you're just as looney as the left wing idealist who think that the world is a wonderful place filled with chocolate rivers, unicorns and rainbow skies.
I read a great article by Roland Martin addressing this conservative problem today. Give it a read. It makes total sense to me.
I agree with your premise but you have to admit that guys like McCain and Arlen Specter are not in the mold of a Ronald Reagan or a Barry Goldwater. They tend to vote left and espouse policies that are "lefter" than their party likes. That makes them more liberal than I'd like them, and to me, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
In short, while I'm not happy with McCain being party's choice, I'll vote for him. You have to vote your conscience in the primary and your party in the general election.
And any Conservative that would vote for Hillary for any reason should have their asshole glued shut. Period.
Take a pill Bluey.
The point is, we not longer have viable conservative candidate ata time when we are about to hand the reigns over to a party that is so far left they need a hammer and sickle flag.
If I vote for McCain, it will be out of self defense against Hillary. She would be a pox on the nation.
What pisses me off more is that the PA GOP primary has not even been held, and my vote is worth nothing already.
This is by far the most cogent, well thought out blog you've put up. I happen to agree with you 100%. Just once I wish people would stop trying to elect the best conservative or the best liberal and focus on addressing this issue of electing the BEST PRESIDENT. IMHO, that is someone who is generally moderate, which happens to be where most of the voters, including yours truly fall. Those of us in the middle want a responsible leader of our government who keeps the country protected, keeps the economy humming, provides decent health care and a good education. You know I think Bush has been a terrible president and I won't delve into all that again. This country has problems and they are many, and I agree the fringes on both sides wield way too much power. I haven't decided yet who I will vote for, but the more I look, there is a lot to like about McCain....
Highmark: I agree...the sad thing is you vote won't likely count in the general election either, since you live in a predominantly "blue state"..I've been harping on ditching the outdated electoral college for years for just this reason.
(Wow, the world must be ending..I agreed with Bluey AND Highmark in the same blog post)
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