It is a day where our women encourage corporate America to sodomize us men and somehow we're expected to be thankful for it and love it.
If you need some huge "show" to verify our love, maybe you're with the wrong man in the first place, baby!
A collection of thoughts, anecdotes and events as seen through my eyes. Meant to be a sometimes light-hearted, sometimes painfully crude, edgy and amusing documentation of my walk through life. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. The author reserves the right to rant about all subjects and take all sides of any argument, even those, not of his own opinion. Let's have some fun and try not to give me cancer, please!
Just what do you mean by "huge show"? Most men just pick up some flowers & a card on the way home from work & we're happy with that. I will agree that Hallmark & Jerrod use this "holiday" to encourage spending but it's ultimately up to the individual as to what they will do on Valentine's Day. There's plenty one can do if they don't have the money or just don't want to spend it. How much do we love a romantic candlelite dinner at home, a massage, a blank coupon, write a poem, for christ sake you could run the sweeper & do a load of laundry.
Having one day out of the year to recognize your significant other in a loving way isn't a bad thing and if you're with someone that needs a "huge show" every Valentine's Day, chances are she needs a "huge show" every other day of the year, too, but that's a whole different subject, isn't it?
My idea of a "huge show" is tying a red ribbon around my pee pee and calling it a day!
I guess I lucked out then having a girl that doesn't give a shit about this day either. Although I do get her a Hershey bar but I get her that sometimes along with flowers occasionally anyway. There is no doubt that this day is for the girls so I'm still holding strong to steak & BJ day Feb. 15.
Now, now...steak and a BJ day is actually on March 14th. Guys, mark it down on your calenders!
LOL...Steak and BJ day!! I'll have to remember that one! Brilliant! As for the holiday, I agree. Every year it gets blown more and more out of proportion. Hell, this year, it seems that there is gifts now being wrapped up and given to children. We're setting these poor kids of for disappointment! Oh well.
Anyhow, I have a question...just for the record. Speaking of voucher/coupon, did you ever get that one cashed in, or has it been "voided" like a walmart rain-check? HAHA!!
PS: Thanks for the belated wishes, Bluey!
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