It's called "The Precious Garbage".
Every Monday morning, the garbage needs to be taken to the curb, which is at the bottom of Tay's long driveway. Tay goes in to work a little later on Mondays, so it's up to me to cart the trash to the spot where it gets picked up.
You'd think that the process would be pretty cut and dry. As the son of a sanitation worker, who insisted that the garbage pails be put out the night before Wednesday and Saturdays' pickups for the first 18 years of my life, you'd think I have the experience necessary to get the job done.
Obviously, I forgot the part where you obsess over the trash.
You see, each Monday morning, regardless of the fact that she can sleep in, Tay bounces out of bed, sometimes as early as 6am, to get the precious garbage dressed and ready for the day. Many Mondays she gets up well before I do. No matter whether we have one bag or four, she religiously obsesses over the trash.
One Monday, I showered, dressed and thought to myself, "Wow, Tay's not up". I went to the top of the stairs of the basement, and thought about descending to get the bags and then in a fit of laziness, decided that I felt like taking amnesty from the chore for one day. Tay was still asleep, and I could just use the old standby, "I forgot". Until, of course, I opened the front door...
There were the bags sitting on the front porch! Curses!!!
When I returned that evening from work, I joked with Tay about it and called her the Trash Nazi. But even that term came woefully short in describing her depth of feelings for our refuse.
When I mention that we should be burning the paper trash in our burn barrel, she immediately went on the defensive and protected her baby saying that we lack a separate trash container for it.
Now when ever I refer to our refuse, I call it "The Precious Garbage".
People reading this blog are probably now thinking that I am embellishing the story, exagerating to make a more simple point or that Tay must think that I'm just too lazy to take out the trash.
And I might have been swayed into that mode of thinking until this Monday.
You see, Tay gently woke me up for work and reminded me about taking "The Precious Garbage" with me. Groggily, I showered, shaved and dressed and sure enough the bags were waiting for me on the porch, probably kissed goodbye by Tay before I even got my sendoff.
I dropped the bags at the bottom of the driveway and proceeded to drive the half hour or so to work. I pulled into the parking garage and noticed nobody parked there. Then it dawned on me. I set no alarm to wake me up because I had the day off! In her clamoring to see off "the precious garbage", Tay sent me to work on a holiday!
Feeling like a jackass and wanting to strangle her, I returned home.
"I told you I had the day off! Why did you wake me?"
"I forgot"
"But you didn't forget the precious garbage, did you?"
"Well, I guess not"
"It figures. You love the precious garbage more than you love me"
"Don't be ridiculous!"
"You woke me up and sent me to work on a holiday just because of your obsession over the precious garbage and it probably doesn't even get picked up until tomorrow!"
And that's all she wrote. I have a fiancee who is in love with the precious garbage while only really loving "the idea of me". What's a guy to do?
I've said it a million times before & I'm sure I'll say it a million times more in the course of our lives...you are the absolute limit!
There is one word for this... hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I can think of is The Lord of the Rings... "My Precious"! and Tay saying that about the garbage. Sorry Tay, this one makes me laugh out loud over and over! LiLi
So, I'm compelled to ask the big question.
Why don't you put the garbage out on Sunday night and save yourself the hassle?
hhAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! That is funny as hell!! I do know what your going through Rich. All I can say is get a barrel from my dad. He'll cut it open for you, and get Austin her drivers license so you can pass the buck on to her. She can take the cans to Uncle Dave's on Wednesday's.
It's basically a question of a 50-60 yard indirect walk to the pickup spot. I'm actually entertaining the notion of installing a zipline from the porch to the drop zone. We can hang a garbage bag on it, and Aussie can also use it to zip down to the schoolbus. The hangbar can be retrieved after use back to the house by pulley.
Talk about convenience!
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