Bluey's World Sabbatical
Loni Marches On Disney!

Minnie and Pearl Out With Churkey!

After several months of investigation, the ethics panel determined Mr. Rangel didn't inform the ethics committee of the corporate source of funds for trips that took place in 2007 and 2008. The panel determined his staff knew the trips were paid for by corporations, and found that Mr. Rangel—who says he didn't know—should still be held accountable, officials said.
Mr. Rangel, central player in Congress on tax and health care legislation, called a news conference late Thursday and said there is "nothing in the record" to indicate he knew the source of funding for the trips, and questioned whether members of Congress should be held accountable for errors by their staff, the Associated Press reported.
Of course there is "nothing in the record" implicating him. This guy is a crook and the lowest of low scumbags.
He has the audacity once again to feign ignorance.
Usually, when people go on expensive trips, they know who is paying for them. Charlie must have just assumed that he fucking "owns the Caribbean"!
And who does he blame? His staffers. That's a real class move. He basically outed the people that have to put up with him on a daily basis as a bunch of dumbasses that just don't know better.
Of course once again, he'll escape any liability from the Democrat controlled Ethics committee. Some people are pushing for him to give up his chairmanship of the Ways and Means.
He should of lost that last time. This guy should be asked to step down as House Rep for the State of New York and charges against him should be pressed.
How can we expect any sort of meaningful change in Washington, when we do nothing to reign in it's biggest scumbags?
We truly get what we deserve.
Loni, My NY Rangers Good Luck Charm!

Bluey's World Obituary: John Murtha

Happy Sweet 16, Loni
District 9 Stole Two Hours of My Life!

Oh my God, I just wasted two hours of my life! What a horrendous movie. Every once in awhile a movie is released with tons of fanfare and bamboozles the masses. This is one of those movies. The only thing I can imagine is that it is hailed as some sort of allegory on racism. If that's true, it fails miserably and is downright insulting. Don't waste your time if you haven't already seen it...I was so prepared to love this movie, but the story seemed like it came out of the mind of an eight year old. I can't believe peter Jackson associated himself with this tripe.
So, if the fine folks of South Africa made contact with an alien race with technology that far exceeds our own, they'd herd them all together, make no attempt to "connect" with them other than by "evil medical experimentation". Somehow, they''d learn their language, but nothing about their culture or where they came from. Not to mention that no nations other than South Africa would even become involved in the process of housing them.
They'd treat them like children and zoo animals and place them in a walled ghetto with free access to dangerous regional warlords, who apparently trade cat food for alien weapons. You heard it right...they allow the aliens to keep all of their dangerous weapons (not to mention the command module of the mothership, which in 28 years is never found?), or that we have to assume they are building weapons from scratch from garbage and used tin cans or whatever the local warlord gives them (like all the random computer parts).
The aliens are obviously extremely intelligent and dangerous. The movie's super simple plot line involves the relocation of the aliens a couple of miles down the road to...get this...District 10!. No, I am not kidding you.
This movie was so incredibly ridiculous and childishly conceived, it's laughable. Does humankind even worry that with the alien technology, another ship arriving to our planet would probably have the capacity to wipe us out? Duh....but I guess we're all a bunch of mad, alien killing retards on this planet...
Notice to alien species...humans only have the capacity to treat your race with dignity for a few years. By year 28, we'll be murdering them and their babies, but we'll have them fill out the proper forms before we do!
Whoa...that IS deep....lol....like two feet of shit deep...
"Obama Joker" Is Offensive

First Day Free Ranging!
Bad Boys, Bad Boys...Whatcha Gonna Do?
Two abusive roosters became roasters today much to the relief of all of our hens. They had poor Ginja on the brink of exhaustion. The poor gal wouldn't even return to the coop at night... Bambi (left-6mos) and Orpy (right-9mos) finally pushed the hens too far and they will now become tonight and Tuesday's dinner!
Liar, Liar!

WASHINGTON (AP) - Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she lacks the votes to quickly move the Senate's sweeping health overhaul bill through the House, a potentially devastating blow to President Barack Obama's signature issue.
Pelosi, D-Calif., made the comment to reporters after House Democrats held a closed-door meeting at which participants vented frustration with the Senate's massive version of the legislation.
Her concession meant there was little hope for a White House-backed plan to quickly push the Senate-approved health bill through the House, followed by a separate measure making changes sought by House members, such as easing the Senate's tax on higher-cost health plans. Such an approach would be "problematic," she said.
"In its present form without any changes I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House," Pelosi said, adding, "I don't see the votes for it at this time."
Pelosi's remarks signaled that advancing health legislation through Congress will likely be a lengthy process — despite Democrats' desire for a quick election-year pivot to address jobs and the economy, which polls show are the public's top concern.
"We're not in a big rush," Pelosi said. "Pause, reflect."
What Can Brown Do For You? A Massachusetts Miracle!

Scott Brown (R) did what was thought to be impossible last night.
Obama's Goose Cooked: Blame Al Franken?

Say What You Want About Fox News...
The simple fact of the matter is that across the cable new networks, America clearly prefers Fox News by HUGE margins even though the Democrats will have you believe that Conservatism and the Republican Party is dead in the U.S. These numbers (pulled from this past Monday) are apparently indicative of what the numbers have been like for the past eight years. Even if you add up the liberal leaning cable news networks, in many cases they don't touch the ratings on Fox News.
I actually found this to be pretty shocking because I would have believed that people just don't care about issues that are purposefully not covered on left leaning news networks. I'm surprised that many of the liberal pundits are able to stay employed while routinely getting their asses kicked on a nightly basis.
This definitely restores my faith in the overall intelligence of news watchers. I watch the other news channels from time to time and find them to be incredibly lacking and downright insulting. Lazy journalism runs rampant on these networks that mainly broadcast the news that is presented to them as fact. Investigative journalism has been replaced by personal smears and attacks. Sometimes, it is even directed at fellow liberals, such as Joe Liebermann's wife when Joe failed to fall in line on ObamaCare.
Keith Olbermann is a pretentious jackass and Rachel Maddow... I get it...you're gay and feel that anyone who doesn't support the gay right cause of the day, is a bigoted moron. They both claim that the Tea Party movement is funded by Big Pharma/Insurance companies. They also believe that conservatives are a pack of racists for disagreeing with our president's policies. Now, I expect this sort of nonsense from ignoramus Janeanne Garafolo, but it is downright embarrassing coming from a news anchor. Hard to believe that an idea like that doesn't garner them huge ratings. Chris Matthews is an Obama lapdog much like that of the main networks, NBC, CBS and ABC.
Ratings like these show that not all Americans have drank the Kool-Aid and that a growing number are starting to sober up.
As someone who has to read news all day, it's heartening to see folks waking up. When the Soviet Union's Pravda newspaper starts covering stories (see Climategate) that our mainstream media ignores, I find that to be incredibly embarrassing.
25-54 demographic: (L +SD)
Total day: FNC: 418 | CNN: 132 | MSNBC: 95 | HLN: 145
Prime: FNC: 742 | CNN: 166 | MSNBC: 207 | HLN: 205
| | | | | | | |
| 5p: | 6p: | 7p: | 8p: | 9p: | 10p: | 11p: |
| |||||||
FNC | Beck: | Baier: | Shep: | O | Hannity: | Greta: | O |
| 709 | 480 | 515 | 932 | 778 | 506 | 445 |
| |||||||
CNN | Blitzer: | Blitzer: | Tonight: | Brown: | King: | Cooper: | Cooper: |
| 147 | 107 | 121 | 133 | 176 | 188 | 153 |
| |||||||
MSNBC | Matthews: | EdShow: | Matthews: | Olbermann: | Maddow: | Olbermann: | Maddow: |
| 82 | 82 | 148 | 232 | 208 | 181 | 128 |
| |||||||
HLN | Prime: | Prime: | Issues: | Grace: | Behar: | Grace: | Showbiz: |
| 74 | 133 | 187 | 305 | 138 | 188 | 148 |
Data by Nielsen Media Research. Live and same day (DVR) data.