Sorry, I've been away for the past week. I finally got around to visiting my family in NYC after an extended absence. The Peteys invaded NYC and we had a nice time over at my sister, Vicki and her husband, Fuzz's place on Long Island.
I got to spend some quality time playing "Shark" in the pool with my niece and nephews and we had our traditional yearly wiffleball game in which the Jr. Fuzz outscored Los Angelos 18-17 in a five inning game.
The quote of the weekend came from my sister, Siouxsie's son, pictured on the left when he asked about Vicki and Fuzz's wedding picture.
"Who is that guy that Aunt Debbie married?", he inquired.
Fuzz replies, "That's me!"
To which my nephew replies, "What happened to you?"
Everybody pisses themselves over that comment.
Fuzz, then asks, "How does Vicki look?".
To which my nephew replies, "The same."
Vicki beams and Fuzz endures a multitude of "what happened to yous?" the rest of the day...
All in all, a very enjoyable weekend and we got to see one hell of a fireworks display by one of Vicki's neighbors , who is a fireman. He had a stunning fireworks show right in the street in front of his house. Until, 4 police cars showed up, that is. They were able to finish the show after a few delays.
We got to see most of the whole immediate family and all the cousins. We scarfed NY pizza, bagels and canoli, saw My Sister's Keeper and finally packed for home and listened to the Harry Potter Half-Blood Prince audio book for the drive home, which made the time fly.
Upon getting home I secured our midnight passes for the Harry Potter premiere. We can't wait!
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