Waxman and Pelosi...
Possibly the biggest retards in the US government. Both from the economic wasteland that is California and responsible for writing and arm twisting a far left economic agenda, no matter what the costs.
Healthcare, cap and trade...and a variety of other bills designed to rob America blind with no guarantees that their bills will benefit a soul.
The WSJ wrote a scathing opinion piece that pretty much sums up the abuse that they are wreaking on their own party. They barred Republicans from helping to write these bills months and months ago. Now they have closed the doors to moderate Democrats as well.
Neither gives a shit about anything but doing whatever they have to, to pass this costly debt exploding shit sandwich legislation of the far left. Both are insufferable assholes. They will probably sink Obama's policies all on their own. Which is great.
But who else would push such nonsense except these two clowns? Obama reached to the lunatic fringe of his party, hoping that his super majority was enough to push through any bill he wished to pass. He dismissed the best minds in the party for the most fervent, mindless fools. What Obama is finding out now, as people get wise is that you reap what you sow.
Let me give you the 411 on Americans. They may be gullible enough to hope for change but I don't believe they are stupid enough to follow these retards into another Great Depression.
California is the shining example they wish to set for the US. Uh... no thanks!
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