Oh, wait...General Powell would have never gone for all the other crazy platforms that the Democrats support. There's the difference. He's good enough for an endorsement but wasn't good enough for any support from the liberal left or African Americans when he held Condi Rice's post in Bush's first administration.
I've always admired General Powell, as I do Condi Rice and will continue to do so. It's a shame that it took his political capital to make him worth something to liberals instead of the merits of his experience.
Sure, I'm disappointed that he chose to endorse a supremely underqualified candidate to be the next President of the United States, but I'm not surprised given his limited support of both wars in the first place. I'm also sure that Obama's people have promised him a prominent post in an Obama presidency for his support. I really can't blame the guy but hopefully he realizes that this is the party that never supported him through his ascendancy to the position in the world that he enjoys today.
And they'll be quicker to cut bait on him the minute it suits them to do so...
Right now, he's helping offset the Biden talk of America being attacked during the first 6 months of an Obama presidency. Honestly, don't the Dems write Joe's speeches? Wire that guy up with a shock collar already!
Bluey, the Dems wouldn't have asked Powell to run because...now you may have missed this..stay with me..he's a...
Conversely, you have to ask yourself why the Republican's didn't ask him to run, or at least be McCain's VP? I certainly would have voted for Powell over both of the current candidates. Maybe because Powell had seen enough of 8 years of the current administration (an administration that tarnished his reputation by having him present false intelligence before the UN) and would have told the GOP to pound salt?
Dude...are you a Re Re? I know he's a Republican. My point is that neither Dems nor African Americans have any use for moderate or conservative blacks. If they did, they could have put up one and won this election in a landslide. It's ironic that they use the endorsement of a conservative black when they need it, after showing General Powell no love over the past 10 years. Instead, they have a horribly unqualified candidate, who, with or without Powell's endorsement is going to lose this race because one simple fact...
It's called sarcasm my friend. My point is that Powell above all is a good soldier, and even though the current bunch in the white house made him look like a patsy before the whole world, Powell would never run AGAINST the GOP. It must be interesting to see the conflict in your mind to respect Powell so much as you obviously do, and yet try to reconcile why he would back such an "unqualified" candidate...
...you might want to start coming to terms with that in the very likely event that Obama wins, which I think he will as long as Murtha and Biden can keep their big yaps shut (the SNL skit last night was genius in case you missed it).
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