No US birth certificate....no problem.
Disturbing set of friends, mentors and associates...nope.
Socialist ideology to "redistribute wealth"...it's all good.
A trillion dollars in new spending...so what.
No tangible experience...it's ok, we hope for a change!
Every other superhero seemed to have moments when the public questioned their motives or "goodness". Obama-Man gets nothing but love from the masses save a few annoying conservatives.
Abraham Lincoln once said "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
Unfortunately, being able to fool some of the people (democrats) all of the time can be enough to get this guy elected as our next president.
My guess is that if he is elected, after he serves four painful years, there is a good chance that democrats won't get another sniff at a presidency for another 16 years or so. This guy is going to tax us into a depression and leave this country's defense department (he's advocating a 25% reduction!) devastated and that will be that.
Make sure your jobs are secure or you may find yourself the recipient of one of his "tax rebates"...er....I guess you can't call it a rebate if you pay no taxes...um....welfare? I'm not going out on a limb to suggest double digit unemployment will be the result of his tax plan.
Americans have a week left to find out what this guy is about. And he's not offering many answers because he's too busy enjoying being so enamoured. Hell, he's the unanimous pick of Hollywood and the UN! Does that tell you anything?
Shame on you, Americans!
I think P.T Barnum said that Bluey, not Lincoln. food for thought
If the Republicans had picked a VP who hadn't scared off the moderate voters and decided to overshadow their pick for president, this would have been a different election.
While we are comparing:
John McCain is:
-member of a distinguished and affluent military family, and parlayed this into an appointment to the US Naval Academy, but graduated 894th out of 899
-was a subpar pilot, crashing multiple planes while in training and on active duty
-cheated on his wife after a severe car accident disfigured her
-left his wife for the Heir to the Budweiser Distribution empire in the southwest, which helped him establish many of his political ties, launching him to office
-member of the Keating 5 during the S&L scandal
-is known to have a quick temper that gets him into trouble
-is 7 years past the age where he could collect solical security and is running for the MOST demanding job in the world
YES, I know that McCain is a war hero and I respect his service, my point here is that McCain has many warts as well as his good points. If you chose ONLY to look at the negative of either candidate, you don't get a rosy picture in any case. I guess I should be glad you at least didn't call Obama a Muslim :)
Oh yeah, I forgot...Obama is a muslim...or was at least.
Although, I don't see being muslim as inherently negative.
It just would be nice to see Obama tell the truth about something.
The guy is a snake oil salesman promising all kinds of goodies. When he gets into office, he'll deliver nothing and enact his own personal agenda, just wait and see.
Then you'll have to put up with 4 years of my abuse and told ya so-s...
Ok Tankboy.
What is POSITIVE about Obama, other than being Dr. Changelove?
I have to put up with you abuse no matter what. That'sthe price I pay for being friends with a "blockhead" ..can you tell I just watched "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown"?
Highmark: You should know that I mostly post counterpoint to Bluey on here to give him ass cancer and also to convince him that my idea of the all Italia ticket is sound (Tank-Bluey-2012).
I'm not going to recite Obama's platform to you, but here are some things I believe: I believe that Obama will develop a reasonable plan to get us out of Iraq and redeploy sufficient troops to Afghanistan to effectively fight the Taliban. I believe that Obama will be better able to enlist our friends and allies around the world that GW has alienated over the past 8 years to help in this process. Defeating radical Islam is not a fight we can win on our own...this means we can't keep looking the other way when Pakistan and Saudi Arabia keep harboring these people. I also believe that Bin Laden will be finally brought to justice during Obama's administration.
I believe that Obama will also return us to some form of fiscal sanity by eliminating tax cuts for the richest Americans (those who make over $250k annually) and big corporations. Frankly, I think he'll spend my tax dollars more wisely.
You know that I believe the country is really really screwed up and that I believe that to a large degree this is the fault of GW, Cheney, and neo conservatism, which I believe to be the most divisive force in recent history in this country. The sins of the past 8 years are going to take a long time to fix. Our country is so split down party lines that we need someone who will bring the country together. We simply need better leadership. That leadership wasn't going to come from Hillary, and you have to understand that there are a huge % of moderate people like me that just don't trust the Republicans any more. I do like McCain and think he'd be way better than what we currently have in GW, but I think he picked a lousy running mate, and I just think he's frankly too old for the job. I don't think either candidate has a real clue about energy policy or what to do to fix the infrastructure of this country, most of which is more decrepit than Blueys digestive tract. So I don't think Obama is perfect, and only will tell if Obama is the man to lead us out of this mess, but I do believe he has the best shot.
If you want to make a compelling case for McCain and why I should give the incumbent party another chance (that doesn't involve telling me a bunch of stuff about Obama I won't believe anyway) I'm all ears.
All of this said, I should really stop posting on the political aspects of Bluey's blog. It's his blog and the last thing he should have to deal with is me giving him cancer every time he logs on. Sorry Bluey. I'll try my best to leave you alone until after the election.
Kumbaya my friends, Kumbaya!!!
So, I guess Tankboy also believes in the tooth fairy, Santa, the easter bunny and Al Gore's sanity.
Sarah Palin IS MORE qualified to be president than Obama or Biden! She is already in an executive position for a US state. Contrary to the sexist media, who won't support a conservative woman, it surprises me that you don't see this. I can only assume that you have the same bias and refuse to see this. I cannot think of one reason in which anyone can make an argument that Obama or Biden have more experience than Palin.
If Obama is elected, we'll all eventually look into our halloween bags and say, "I got a rock"...
Speaking as someone who's married to a very educated, independent and intelligent woman, lets just say my issues with Palin have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman, and lets just leave it at that.
I believe with that statement, you've basically just made my point in this post and a few posts previous to this. Our society for the most part only seems to attribute "enlightened" liberal leaning women with the "educated, independent and intelligent" tag.
I'm really interested why you feel Governor Palin deserves none of these attributes and is such a "drag" on the Republican ticket in your eyes. This is a woman who is GOVERNOR of her home state. She serves in one of the second highest EXECUTIVE positions in the US.
Are there any conservative women that you feel deserve accolades?
I may not support liberal women in their politics but I don't usually attack things like their education, independence or intelligence...just their experience and their views.
If you say Sarah palin is too conservative for your liking...so be it. That, at least I can understand. But to call her unqualified, and then on top of that to support Obama...is just plain assanine in my opinion and is not a defensible position.
Just tell us that the nookie stops if you vote for Palin...
...some of us will understand, Don....
Bluey...I tried to give you the last word but you want to continue...so be it. I'm game if you are :)
My illustration using Kay was to refute what I took as the implication that I wouldn't vote nor have the appreciation for an intelligent woman. That is akin to me implying you wouldn't vote for Obama just because he's black (Im not implying this because I know that's not true)
I do think the Palin is intelligent and independent. Educated is debatable...you can't convince me that attending SIX different colleges to obtain a degree in journalism makes her particularly qualified to do anything other than write fro the Anchorage Daily News and it certainly doesn't stand up to a BS in political science from Columbia and graduating Magna Cum Laud with a Harvard Law degree.
While we are at it making Palin-Obama comparisons, lets not pretend that being Governer of Alaska is comparable to being governor of another state. There are currently about 680,000 people living there. Thats less than the population of the Little Rock AR metro area. As a state senator Obama represents over 12 million people.
But back to the main issue: She IS a drag on the ticket...the widening Obama lead in the polls speaks for themselves. Lets call a spade a spade: Including her on the ticket was an obvious sop to the conservative wing of the party which feels McCain is too moderate and an effort to recruit the female dems who might have felt disenfranchied when Hillary lost. This has backfired IMHO as although it may have energized the conservative base somewhat, I think it has driven far more undecideds to Obama. And just as the subject of Palin has hijacked this discussion, I think that it has hijacked the ticket..the GOP is so busy defending her and comparing her to Obama, that they've lost sight of the fact that the comparison should be McCain vs Obama.
And yes for the record, my main issue with her IS she IS way too conservative for my liking. CONSERVATIVE is the key word here...not FEMALE. As we've covered many time before, I'm a moderate who feels the conservative elements of the GOP have hijacked the party and are largely responsible for the mess our country is in..so I have very little good to say about conservatives, male OR female...hence, this is a major reason why I'm voting for Obama. As I've said before, although I have my concerns, I believe McCain would be much better than GW..but he's 72 and the NEO-CONS are still waiting in the wings. I'm not prepared to take the chance they end up back in power. Its really that simple.
Goodnight from the Hampton Inn Williamsport.
okay, I'll make my last points here and not start any new fires.
1. One of the smartest guys I know has a journalism degree. I haven't founf lawyers to be the most intelligent folks in the country. Since when do you have to be a lawyer to be president? Maybe it's time we excluded lawyers from consideration. There's way too many slippery ones out there with their own personal agenda. Here's a novel thought. How about a doctor or scientist for president?
2. If Obama has a real widening lead in the polls...why a half hour TV special? Polls are another slippery thing to trust.
3. If McCain chose Palin for a simple ploy to snag Hillary voters, don'tcha think he could have gone elsewhere for a safer easier pick? Condi Rice would have been the coup de grace being a black woman! Ann Richardson, Elizabeth Dole, god there are way to many to list. He really went out on a limb to take the person he really wanted, not like Obama who went with the safest pick possible. I think Biden hurts Obama 10x more than palin hurts mcCain. I love Palin.
4. Independents will decide the election. I just warn you not to count your chickens on that area lest you be mightily surprised.
5. Finally, you disclose that you dislike Palin because she in conservative! That is the right argument to make.
I think that about covers it.
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