Last night, Hillary's speech was more about her own achievements and those of women than about Obama last night. After McCain's commercial containing Hillary's primary comments (John McCain is an experienced leader and Obama gave a speech in 2002...), she really needed to come out and say that Obama has the experience and ability to lead this country....
She never said it...and it speaks volumes to what the Clintons really believe. Bill also made similar comments earlier about candidates X (one who has much experience but has different ideas) and Y (one who has no experience and has similar ideas), where he intimated that he would favor X (McCain) but then backtracked and said that he wasn't necessarily referring to the presidential race.
Oh, sure, Hillary came out many times and said that she preferred that her voters vote for Mr. Obama and that she was on his side, but she never endorsed him as capable. In fact, she made no personal recommendations as to his abilities whatsoever. That is troubling because it suggests that Hillary wants another shot in FOUR years (after a presumed Obama loss) and not in EIGHT years. She called McCain a dear friend and towed the party line to claim that he was four more years of Bush, but did nothing to discredit his ability to lead.
I would have never believed last night's speech if I didn't hear it with my own ears. I'm sure the Obama camp is livid and I'm perplexed that they'd even let Bill Clinton speak at all. If i was running Obama's campaign, I'd pull him so fast, it would make his head spin.
Hillary fucked Obama...plain and simple. It was dirty politics in my opinion and she did her best to thwart his candidacy while appearing to support him to the party. It was cold and calculated and made to make her end up smelling like a rose for 2012, while doing the absolute minimum for Obama in 2008. She didn't even mention the commercial nor did she refute it....
I don't care how Democrats will spin it, but Hillary may have singlehandedly cost Obama the election. Okay, selecting Joe Biden didn't exactly help Obama either but animosity within the party between the two primary candidates will be the reason that the Dems miss out on what should have been a slam dunk on the presidency....
I won't shed any tears....
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