So, not only was St. Louis Cardinals pitcher, Josh Hancock, legally drunk x2 (.157 BAL), smoking pot (a marijuana pipe and about 7 grams of weed were found in his rental), and had previously totalled his vehicle a few days prior, he also was talking on his cellphone at the time of his accident! I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was changing his pants and wolfing down a Big Mac as well.
He basically drove into a stopped flatbed truck from what I understand.
Can anybody possibly feel bad that he's pushing up daisies? Fertilizer and worm food are probably the most productive uses for this waste of flesh. I can only thank god that this human time bomb didn't take anybody else with him.
Good Riddance Jackass! (You've just experienced another Bluey obituary!)
First of all, I did not hear that he was stoned from smoking pot. Did you? Just 'cause a person has something in their car, does that mean they were using it? Now I ain't defending what Hancock did... but you've gotta not just attribute things to him that might not be true.
And, man, you simply shouldn't be saying you're glad this person is dead or that dead is probably the best thing for him.
People have problems including drinking and often they drink and drive, often they kill others or at least just themselves... but they don't deserve to be dead. Dead is not the best thing for losers like Hancock. Stoopid idiots like Hancock deserve every chance in the world to kick the booze and straighten up. Even if he slammed into a carload of people and killed several but walked away un-physically-harmed, he should be forgiven, should do his jail time, and should be rehabilitated. This isn't a society where people are disposable just because they're the biggest friggin' idiots in the universe. Hancock coulda very easily been someone you loved and cared for very much... and if you'd still think your loved one deserved death over rehabilitation then you're one sick, evil son of a bitch. But come on now, I'm sure you have a heart and you can allow people like Hancock to have a chance at a better life rather than be worm food. A reformed alcoholic has a chance to help others. A dead one doesn't.
Agreed 100%. My "I Give a Fuck" meter is pegged with this guy. The sad thing is, the media is mourning his death...calling it a loss. I call it a gain cause there is one less fucktard in the world. And yes, thank god he didn't take anyone else out. I've seen too many accidents when alcohol was involved, and rarely turns out good. This is one rare case where it was good. Why can't more celebs be more self destructive?
By the way Bluey, you should start writing up epitaph's. I love your obituaries!
I absolutely mean everything I say in this post. If the guy totalled a car three days earlier in a similar situation and that didn't at least scare him for a few months minimum, it would have been only a question of time before he killed some innocent people. Maybe somebody's child, mother, father, who knows.
This guy had the world by the balls and chose his lifestyle. I have no empathy and neither should anyone else. I didn't call him a scumbag, I called him a ticking time bomb. Believe me, were all better off now that this jackass is dead.
I really get chapped when bleeding hearts think that everyone can be rehabilitated, even at the cost and expense of others lives. Would it have been a plus if he got sober after running over and killing someone's child?
I certainly don't. Fuck him and fuck everyone else who compares his situation to the Darryl Kile tragedy. Kile died suddenly with no warning and left a family behind. He was a victim of the randomness of life and death.
Hancock chose his path and stacked the odds against himself. he had no personal regard for himself or others around him. Why should anyone give a rat's ass about his death. While I'm sure that his family feels horrible, I feel for them, but they would have felt a lot worse had he taken others to the grave with him.
I agree with Bluey on this on 100%
Life is full of choices. I know we have all made a bad one here or there. But the trick is to learn from them and not do it again. BUt for these idiots that go out time and time again and do the same life threating things are just asking for it. And I do not wise death to anyone but if the person ends up causing an acident it's better that they are the only ones involved and not have to take out inocent people along the way. I lost a good friend last summer in a motorcycle accident, I hate to say I saw it comming, but when someone losses their licence several times for speeding, maybe a motorcycle is not the best choice. I miss my friend and wish it never happend, especialy for his son who I'm guessing was in about JR. High, how terrible would that have been for him 2 days after July 4th all summer long to have that thought going through your head. I wasn't that super close but it sure troubled me all summer. This hancock guy should have known better. They keep saying these Pro players and actors and such are such role models. I say bullshit to that. If they cannot get their act together and not take control of their life, why on earth should we look up to them and dream to be like them. If you are turning to drugs and booze because you cannot handle the fame then get out and save yourself and others along the way.
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