In the first place, a person on the terror watch list gets placed on the no-fly list based on information given by his OWN father. Somehow, he is still able to board the plane because the Dept. of Homeland Security and the State Dept. can't get their heads out of their own asses for two minutes to do their jobs updating new information.
Secondly, these retards then have the gall to tell us afterwards that the system worked. Which I guess means that flyers are responsible for defusing terror incidents on board for themselves.
Then, we are told that it's Bush's fault since his systems are still in place. It's funny how as bad as Bush is portrayed to be, we were safe for eight years. If the Dems thought Bush's systems were so bad, is there any particular reason that a year wasn't enough time to replace them? Or is it that the folks in place haven't a clue as to what they are doing?
I choose the latter.
Janet Napolitano says "Derrrrrrrrr!!!"
Honestly, if you are a Democrat who voted for Obama, and you are still riding this train wreck of an administration, you get what you deserve.
We now have a terrorist who knows of others trained with him that has been given Miranda rights instead of being interrogated for possible knowledge of other plots thanks to Eric Holder and another band of retards giving out American rights' like M&Ms from a candy jar.
Now we have no idea if anything is coming next because our terrorist has "the right to remain silent". How convenient. That's an excellent call by the injustice department.
Admittedly, it seemed that Bush made some egregious errors in returning Gitmo Yemenis back home. And what is this administration still saying? It's Bush's fault (which is true), but we HAVE to close Gitmo and are sending the rest of the Yemenis home anyway.
Today, we find out that a post 9/11 system was in place to warn other planes pilots at the time while they were in the air. It wasn't followed either. So, theoretically, if we had another muliple plane plot, no other pilots were even warned.
These folks haven't a clue as to what they are doing. No fucking clue...
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