
How M.A.D.D. Will They Be?

Now that we have some very preliminary data out on the dangers of texting while driving, the question in my mind is, will Mother's Against Drunk Drivers come down as hard on their own sons and daughters texting while driving as they have on drunk drivers?
Seemingly, with a reaction time that can be up to four times slower than an individual at .008 BAC, it certainly seems that it should be a no-brainer that this action should be illegal and that criminal penalty and fines should be at least comparable to drunk driving if further research establishes this data to be accurate.
Believe me, I have no love for drunk drivers. But this data does not surprise me. I just hope that my family and I don't wind up dead at the hands of one of these morons before it is deemed illegal and the penalties are comparable to drunk driving.


2nd Place Softball Tournament Finish

Old Trails, after dropping it's first game in a double elimination tournament to TNT on Saturday morning, managed to win four straight versus CBP on Saturday afternoon, TNT, Kopper Kettle and Shop-n-Save in eight innings on Sunday before dropping the championship game to Bellefiore Music 7-2.

We walked home with the second place trophy but not a soul was satisfied with that. We just ran out of gas in the fourth game of the day.

I finished the weekend 10 for 16 and finally broke out of my slump by going back to my old batting gloves. They either have a better grip or possess some magical qualities.

It's the first time we placed 2nd in a softball tournament in the last three years.


Bluey's World Obituary: Michael Jackson

An icon who "touched" many young people's lives died yesterday.
Thank God, that should end all the needless crotch grabbing!

Bluey's World Obituary: Farrah Fawcett

I feel a special kinship now with Farrah Fawcett. She passed away from ass cancer. Sometimes I feel my own ass cancer inevitable every time I read the daily news.
The question is, who is responsible for giving Farrah her ass cancer?


Blogging Has Consequences

After tons of insults and hatred spewed everyone's way by Perez Hilton on his blog, he finally got just what he deserved.
Bitch-slapped by Will.I.Am of the Black Eyed Peas.
Thank you from Bluey's World, Will! It's nice to see cowards with big mouths finally be held accountable for their horrendous personal attacks on others.
Yeah, you've got freedom of speech but, in life, there are also consequences for it.
Nice mug, jackass! Oh, and by the way, feel free to find me and try to smack me around for blogging about what a loser you are.


Father's Day: Shorty's Sweeps Old Trails

We dropped a pair of games to Shorty's on Father's Day. My slump continued with a 1/5 effort.


This Isn't Sea World, It's As Real As It Gets!

LiLi and Cali asked Tay and I about joining them soon for a day on a boat. I have a feeling that I'll be singing this song quite a bit that day we go. Hopefully LiLi invited T-Pain as well!

I'm On A Boat!


The NEA Is A Racist Organization!

The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization, is committed to the advancement of public education.

The NEA basically ties together teachers' unions across the US. Their opening line in their mission statement says pretty much all you need to know about what they stand for. I highlighted in bold, the key word in their mission.

Childrens education. Nope.

The advancement of teachers unions, its' members and the public education system. That's it!

The NEA doesn't even try to hide what it is all about. Recently, the NEA sent a letter to the Senate that stated that Washington D.C.'s Opportunity Scholarship Program isn't working. This is the program that rewards inner city children who show promise a chance to escape failed inner city public schools and allots them $7500 vouchers to apply to private schools. 1700 children living below the poverty line take advantage of the program to grant them access to schooling in an environment that would not normally be available to them due to economic factors.
The NEA has the gall to cite, "The DC voucher pilot program, which is set to expire this year, has been a failure. Over its' five year span, the pilot program has yielded no evidence of positive impact on student achievement."
Never mind that the Department of Education has already determined these children to be significantly ahead of their peers.
The NEA's real issue is that the $13M that went to these 1700 kids didn't line their own pockets and those of the teachers unions.
Obama has already and come out against extending the program and after the current children are grandfathered through the program, it will be abolished. That is really sad. Especially since 15% of the 860B+ stimulus package already went towards public education (~$130B).
That tells me a few things.
The NEA doesn't give a shit about children unless they are receiving a "public" education provided by the NEA and the level of their caring about the education stops at where the federal and state money is funneled.
The NEA doesn't give a shit about the education of below the poverty line families, which for the most part are minorities.
Since Obama is all about mass amounts of votes, he will support unions (car, teacher...whatever) no matter what they decide, because when it comes down to it, Obama is really only about Obama. Supporting the voucher program should have been a no brainer for Obama. No one in their right mind would have come out against such a noble program.
But, the NEA is the real villain here. They are racists who are doing more to keep minorities below the poverty line because of their own fucking greed. Teachers unions and teachers also have to be held accountable for this for their support of killing the voucher system for inner city minorities. If they truly cared for the children, they'd step up against what is wrong in their own organization and make the right choice, even if it would cost their union some money.
Teachers are a party to this racism even if indirectly.
I get tired of being called a racist every time I disagree with Obama or go to a tax increase protest tea party. At least I know what is worth paying taxes for and what is not.
Get these kids their vouchers back already you racist greedy bastards!


Performance Inhibiting Drugs (PIDs)

I love Major League Baseball's new acronym for steroids as PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). It actually makes sports radio guys sound halfway intelligent.

Well, this past weekend, I had a nerve exposed in a molar and had to go to the ER for painkillers and antibiotics since I couldn't get in for a root canal until Monday.

Well, it made my softball performance interesting to say the least. I perform well enough defensively but when I stepped to the plate it was evident that I was "juiced up" and "far out".

For a large guy, I'm uncharacteristically a contact hitter who hits line drives to all fields for mainly singles and doubles. I rarely attempt to kill the ball or try to hit it over outfielder's heads. I'm more apt to drive one right through the box.

I could probably count on both hands how many times I've swung and missed in slowpitch softball in my entire life.

On Sunday, not only did I swing and miss almost 10 times, I struck out swinging twice while going a modest 2 for 6 while we split a doubleheader versus Shop-N-Save.

Let's just say I provided the entertainment and a cool breeze to the players around me...and leave it at that. And yes, i am aware that PID is already an acronym for pelvic inflammatory disease. But it fits because those balls could have been swollen to twice their size and I still would have probably missed them!

Put Tremadol down as the first documented PID.


Hey Letterman!

Who is that filthy cocksucker on your shoulders?
Oops...it's your 2 year old son...I'm sorry!
How unfortunately crude of me. I acted in "poor taste". Sorry. For some reason, I thought calling your young son a bad name would be hilarious. Everything is all better now...right?
My better judgement seems to be slipping...along with your ratings!


Tay's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Tay!

We won't divulge Tay's age but the Peteys and I took Tay to Angelo's for a nice Italian dinner. I took the day off and Tay and I spent the morning together in nice peace and quiet on another fantastic day weather-wise.

Then Tay, unfortunately had to work a few hours before dinner. A waitress passed out and did a faceplant at the restaurant but an ambulance came to get her and she seemed okay. I guess she just got a little overexcited about Tay's birthday!


A Split!

Today our Old Trails softball squad hung the first loss on the first place team Dick's 8-7 before falling in the nightcap 16-5.

The first game saw us bounce back from a 2-7 deficit in the third inning to squeak back to a one run victory in seven innings. Stellar defense blanked Dick's for the last 4 innings. (3/5)

Did you really even pay any attention to what I just said? Or were you staring at the chick over on the left?


My 43rd Birthday

The Peteys and I spent a nice relaxing day celebrating my 43rd birthday. We had lots of quad rides, a BBQ and a bonfire as we kicked back and enjoyed an absolutely gorgeous day!
Unfortunately, the day was a little bittersweet for Tay as her Dad's barn was slated for roof removal today and workers started the process of dismantling the old barn for it's wood. Apparently, using old distressed looking wood for new home construction is all the rage. Tay's Dad wanted to get something for the barn before it fell in. Tay was a little broken up about the prospect of losing the barn she played in as a kid. The barn is pretty picturesque and will be missed!


PNC Park: Pirates 3, NY Mets 1

Well, the Peteys did it again! They willed the Pittsburgh Pirates to another win over my beloved NY Mets. It seems like whenever I bring them, the Pirates win, and when I leave them at home the Mets win. They perform the same jinx on my NY Rangers in the Mellon Arena.

Tay, Jay, Tiff, the Peteys and I enjoyed a gorgeous evening to see a ballgame. I got to see Johan Santana pitch live for the first time but Zach Duke outdueled him on this evening. The Mets were missing Beltran, Reyes, Delgado and a few others, who were injured. The Pirates won on a two-run homerun by some new kid (Camarillo?). The Mets played a less than stellar game defensively.

The game went way too fast. I felt like we were there for about a half hour. Pretty impressive for a baseball game. We're going to have to do it again real soon.


It's Official: We're A Nation of Retards

Well, OctoMom finally got her wish.

It's no surprise in a nation that rewards irresponsibility, that this woman will now be paid for her stupidity.

Did anybody really doubt that this would eventually happen? Now let's see who the morons are who will actually watch the show. I won't be surprised if it's a huge hit. Unbelievable. I can't wait until the reality show in which a high school teacher impregnates twenty of his students happens. Are we really too far away from that?

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