In attendence: Highmark, Greenhammer, Sparrow, Edicus, Meersky, Griffin/Tracer, Jeffy, Francois/Kimee, Bluey, Choder, and of course, Irish, our gracious host.
The Highlights:
Greenhammer spins sauce out of tomato juice as the naysaying mob of philistines browbeat him every step of the way. Good job for our Italian Canadian!
Highmark exclaims "Bluey's tomato water (a few years ago) was so bad, it stole the flavor from the cooked spaghetti noodles".
Edicus Rex almost singlehandedly turned a 2 hour 9 hole Sugar Hill Open into a 4 hour event with his crazy antics. We played as a sixsome and Sparrow was almost arrested on the 8th hole tee box for drinking non sanctioned beer. Bluey took the trophy by 1 stroke over Sparrow, who hit like a little girl on several shots.
The boys played Cash and Guns, Diplomacy and also had a round of Pilgrimage Jeopardy, won by Greenhammer and Bluey on the final question. Diplomacy was marred by overzealous UN inspector, Francois, who did all he could to hose Germany (Bluey). Now that we're all a go with the rules, we've gotta give that one another try.
Pens thumped the Flyers out of the playoffs and Francois took grief. With Filonius Assault missing, the NFL draft did not ruin the pilgrimage.
Most of the crew enjoyed a saturday night beach fire. While windy with spots of rain, the weekend held 70 through all three days.
Griffin cooked some kickass burgers while meersky complained about the hotdogs containing chicken lips.
Greenhammer and Tracer go to the "store" and come back 3 hours later. Unspecified sources imply Greenhammer came back with an inside out shirt with the tag in front and Tracer's hair had that "slept-in" look.
Griffin and Meersky battled to the end in the stones championship, won by Meersky.
Oddly enough, there was no football, softball, or dodgeball. Age is becoming a factor.
Cornhole got some play, but I did not see any Magic played this weekend.
Edicus and Bluey finished Halo 3 from start to finish from 11pm - 7am on Friday night/Sat morning. Bluey may have slept through parts of the campaign...
Choder and Greenhammer took turns fumigating the cottage.
New deathpool names have been drawn and can be found on the pilgrimage site. I've got JimmyP and greenhammer. Not exactly high riskers there. I'm praying for Canadian national healthcare to help a brother out with Greenhammer.
We may have broken a record for laptops at the pilgrimage. No one uttered that laptops are ruining the pilgrimage but we did have a hard drive go belly up (Irish's) while Choder placed a call to Bangladesh to get it repaired.
Kimee documented Francois' white man rage where it concerns his beloved Flyers.
Guys/gals, I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of stuff. Please feel free to add your stories.
I did say "laptops are ruining the pilgrimage!" when I realized there were six zombies transfixed to computers all at the same time Friday.
I stand corrected. Good call Highmark!
OOps...upon further review, "Laptops are ruining the pilgrimage!" is being credited to Pimp-n-Playa with Highmark's role being downgraded to barely noticeable...sorry, Highmark.
I got a ruling from UN rep, Francois on this one!
It just wouldn't be a Pilgrimage, if something or somebody didn't ruin it for the rest of us. Just part of the weekend's charm. Nice write up Blue.
Glad everyone had a good time.
Hoping to play Diplomacy on the 16th at Poppinfresh's game night.
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