I'm really beginning to love how the left is absolutely intolerant of others opinions, while demanding that their opinions be revered as gospel.
Now, it isn't possible to become Miss America unless you believe in gay marriage?
Why the hell in God's name is this even a question asked of the pageant's contestants?
With every passing day, the left is surprising me more with their eroding support of free speech and intolerance towards others.
The left is slowly becoming communist Russia.
Any dissention from their doublespeak marks you as a racist, homophobe, terrorist or retard.
Where is the ACLU on this one? Oh yeah, much like the NAACP, it is only interested in supporting liberals in this country. Neither group would piss on a conservative if they were on fire.
Here is the article at Jammer's request: Big surprise, the judge in question is gay. So, I guess there was only one real right answer to his question.
Maybe she should have said "world peace?" and left it at that!
Not sure I'm following you here. You should link to a story about this so your readers know why you're ranting.
The comedy in this story writes itself. Why would a gay man be chosen as a judge of what is essentially a female beauty contest? Maybe a vegitarian should judge the next chili cook-off.
Good one Beukey! I included the article Choder. This stuff just defies all logic!
"With every passing day, the left is surprising me more with their eroding support of free speech and intolerance towards others."
Not sure why it is a suprise. I have been telling you guys this for 10 years.
Obviously, this guy is an idiot. The young lady was asked the question and gave a reasonable answer. I happen to agree with her.
That said, lets not revise history suggest that the liberals are the only ones people who have been recently intolerant of free speech..I can remember a time not long ago where if someone had the temerity to question the war or speak against the Bush Administration's policies that they were branded as Muslim loving wingnuts who hated freedom and America. There are idiots and extremists on both sides of the equation. The conservatives made the mistake of not listening to the rest of us and only paying attention to the extreme edge of their movement. Speaking as a moderate, I'm sure that if left unchecked asshats like this guy and the extreme liberals will do the same thing. Its human nature, but it doesn't make it right.
I can remember a time not long ago where if someone had the temerity to question the war or speak against the Bush Administration's policies that they were branded as Muslim loving wingnuts who hated freedom and America.
Dissent is fine.
Hystrionics based on intellectually dishonest and ridiculous arguments like "Bush lied" about WMDs or "Bush is just doing this to make his daddy proud" or thinly veiled apologist crap like "It's not radical Islam it's poverty that causes terrorism" or "how dare you profile muslim males between the ages of 19 and 25" (when that IS the profile of a terrorist demonstrated over and over again) all of which we heard in echoing chorus from the left.......DOES make a person a left-wingnut.
Let's have some context shall we?
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