Today, many "Taxed Enough Already" TEA party protests will happen around the country, and fittingly on tax day. We already pay 50% plus percent of our earning on taxes and with the spectre of more government spending on the horizon, it is time for us to say enough is enough.
It shouldn't matter if you're Republican or Democrat. Any hardworking individual, who has to work almost half the year to reach tax amnesty, should be up in arms.
This "cradle to grave" demand for government care from the deadbeats in our society has to end. Our own federal and state governments are bankrupting our country with outrageous and borderline criminal spending. Our government is really not running in a different path than GM. It's just got another twenty years more of rope to hang itself. We still have time to reverse this.
Wasn't the Federal government formed to serve the people and not the other way around? It's time to hold all of our politicians accountable for using their influence and our tax dollars to serve their own self interests and to make sure they are elected indefinitely.
The American budget on the horizon has the potential to turn many of our states into welfare states. If you don't think folks will be leaving tax oppressive places like California in droves soon, you're kidding yourself. I don't want that to happen to Pennsylvania.
That's why I'll be at the Washington, PA TEA party at the courthouse tonight that runs from 5-7pm.
If we don't stand up to the federal government soon, we will soon be slaves to it. You can argue that we already are... This is one issue that both parties should support!
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