The National Organization of Women is a sham...just like the NAACP is as well. You see, these organizations don't really support women or African-Americans...they support liberals. They are organizations built by men-hating dykes and racist enablers. Neither group has their supposed constituency's best interests in mind.
If they did, Condi Rice would be hailed as a pioneer and hero and she isn't. That is an absolute embarassment to BOTH organizations.
And Sarah Palin absolutely frightens liberal women because for years liberal women have looked down their noses at "salt of the earth, conservative and independent stay at home moms", considering them ignorant and ultimately controlled by men. They looked to a day when a liberal woman would rise up, take center stage and lead women out of the "dark ages". They were going to usher women into the 21st century.
There's only one problem with that. They forgot that they needed the other 50% of women's support to do this. In true fashion, by discounting and ignoring conservative women's needs thay have become worse than the men. Now, a strong and gifted conservative woman has stepped forward. Will these women support her? Some will. Most are already using male derived stereotypes to decry her ability to lead. They cite that she won't be able to raise a family and be VP. They deride her experience even though she has more than either Obama or Hillary possess. They blame her for her daughter's early pregnancy. They call her a nasty, lying bitch (maybe not in so many words). They call her a pawn and joke put forth by the Republicans as a cheap ploy to get women's votes.
I find it truly disgusting and what they are really mad at is Obama's inability to patch things up with Hillary and put her on the ticket. Instead, he picked an intellectually tired good old boy for VP, who represents everything that is wrong with career politicians. The guy in 20 years has never been able to garner anything but minimal support in his own party as a presidential candidate. But Obama, in the end, couldn't swallow his pride and chose to cut Hillary loose. That, was Obama discounting liberal women due to an overblown image of himself. He erroneously thought he could carry their support by himself. That was a fatal mistake that WILL cost the Dems the election, mark my words...
If women want to do the right thing, they will support Governor Palin
even if they don't vote for McCain for President. I find it extremely ugly and distasteful to see women tearing each other down and questioning each other's capacity to serve in government. That, is what always seems to set women back...their non-support of each other when it counts.
And maybe one day, liberal women will finally get it and stop discounting conservative women as inferior to men and themselves. I think Governor Palin is going to teach them a hard lesson on that front.
Now, women, go out and give Condi Rice the props that she deserves. I am ashamed at how she is ignored and goes unpraised even though she serves our proud nation as a truly capable Secretary of State. She's so good at it, I actually forget the fact that she is a woman. No woman has ever served in that capacity before, dealing with foreign dignitaries in some of the most challenging arenas (such as the Middle East where women are more discounted than anywhere in the world) and during some of the most tenuous times.
Condi...you rock!!! Sarah...you too!!!
Addendum: An interesting Sept 16th article in the WSJ, "
Why Feminists Hate Sarah Palin"