My sister Siouxsie helped put the finishing touches on our chicken coop by designing and creating the sign. I hung it up last night and after proclaiming myself finally done with the coop after adding hardware cloth to the bottom, I have decided to build an addition on the back half equal in size....
The reason?
Our first chicken Churkey, who keeps going broody, wants to hatch eggs.
So, we got four fertilized Easter egger eggs (chickens that lay blue/green eggs) for her to sit on. We should have some baby chicks in 21 days...
I'm figuring that up to four more chickens pretty much demands an upgrade in living quarters, so I'm going to build the coop's mirror image to be attached to the back half.
Here's little Miss Broody McBrooderson sitting on her nest, all fluffed up and not wanting to be bothered...
Here's her clutch of Easter Egger eggs. Notice the blue-green color to the egg. If we get a few blue-green egg laying hens out of the hatch, I can finally make green eggs and ham!
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