
Muslims Versus the West

Props to my buddy Blue for finding this video nugget.

Here is a powerful and amazing statement on Al Jazeera television. The woman is Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles. I would suggest watching it ASAP because I don't know how long the link will be active. This film clip should be shown around the world repeatedly!


And shame on people who continue to believe that the US is somehow responsible for 9/11 or brings this grief upon itself.

1 comment:

Ace said...

Amazing that someone of that nationality to stand up and tell it how it is...and a woman at that. Not to sound funny, but if she lives thru the month, it will be a miracle. I couldn't imagine the Muslim extremists would stomach such down talk on their type...especially from one of "their own." Good on her though...and good find Bluey.

Bluey's World Merchandise