So, I pretty much forget about it and I'm finishing up mowing the lawn one day when Tay comes up to me and grabs my head and slips a piece of beef jerky in my mouth. "You did a real nice job on the lawn". She kisses me and walks away.
A day or two later, I was changing some burnt out lightbulbs in her kitchen and after I'm done, she does the same thing, while patting me on the head. I'm thinking to myself, "Man, is that beef jerky yummy".
Then it occurs to me after I finish chewing the piece of jerky. I have no idea where the big bag of beef jerky is. And it also occurs to me that it hasn't been beef jerky that I've been eating (well, in reality it has been).
I've been eating fucking Scooby Snacks!
Now, you may be confused by this, by the grim reality hit me like a sledgehammer. Tay was using the beef jerky as a reward after I performed jobs around the house for her without me realizing it. I always knew that men were dumb mammals but what a dope I had been. I was nothing more than a trained circus seal.
So, I asked Tay where the bag of jerky was. She immediately knew that I was on to her.
"You don't get to have the bag."
"What the fuck? That's my beef jerky!"
"And I've been giving it to you"
"Yeah...giving it to me like giving god damned Scooby Snacks to a dog after doing jobs around the house!"
She starts laughing, realizing that she is busted but probably because she had manged to get away with it for three or so days.
She still doesn't surrender the bag even after I throw a tantrum.
"We'll see how much gets done around here while I'm waiting for you to fork over that bag".
"If you want jerky, you'll do what you're told", she jokes.
Thankfully, Tay's daughter, Aussie, who has had her cellphone taken away, finds the bag in Tay's hiding place and gives it to me. I immediately lift her cellphone restriction for her good deed.
All was right with the world, except now I'm out of jerky again.
1 comment:
So many parts of this are hilarious, I don't know where to start! Tay, you kill me. Bluey, you've met your match!! :-) LiLi
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