Now, it seems like the rest of the city is getting on his case for not wearing a helmet riding his motorcycle. How irresponsible it is given his employment for the city's football team. Now people are talking about bringing back a brain bucket law for cyclists.
I could give two figs about retards that ride motorcycles without helmets. You know who I feel sorry for? The people that have to scoop their brains off the road after they wreck. When you ride a motorcycle on the road, you are basically putting your life in others' hands. That's a simple fact. A helmet law will save some lives but not prevent accidents.
In a world where retards drive cars with cellphones to their heads, applying make-up and eating dinner in the driver seat, why in the world would you float your body above concrete at 55 MPH alongside them? That's basically what you are doing.
Do yourself a favor, buy a car and use your motorcycle for dirt roads. We are raising a nation of idiots behind the wheel who have no attention span. If I had a nickle for every moron I see drifting out of their lane because they are talking on the cellphone, I'd be a millionaire.
Forget a helmet law and let's get a cellphone ban already. If stupid people want to die because they refuse to use personal protection (helmets or seat belts, for that matter), so be it. How about a little protection for the rest of us who are responsible drivers?
Let Social Darwinism cull out the idiots of the world. Let's protect those of us with the sense enough to regard our lives as valuable and worth protecting.
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