
The Slingshot...er...The Swingshot at Kennywood

Yesterday, I went to Kennywood with my girlfriend, Tay, and our girls. Poppinfresh and Erie joined us at the park.

Kennywood has a new ride that resembles a slingshot that is called The Swingshot. Unfortunately, the new ride was being worked on all day by maintenance staff and was not opened until we were in the parking lot ready to leave.

My eldest daughter turned to me at some point during the day and asked me, "Dad, why isn't The Swingshot open?"

I looked at her and with a straight face told her, "They have it closed because it keeps launching kids to the other side of the park. They're trying to fix that. Kids keep getting thrown clear across the park into the water below the SkyCoaster."

She looks at me and gives me a frown because she's heard some semblance of this type of story a thousand times.


Of course we all got a laugh out of it and every time someone asks about the new ride at Kennywood they all get the same story from all of us now.

The Swingshot launches people! It launches people!

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