Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Cast
The Heroes
Jeffy as Amanda the prom queen, Sheriff Anderson
Tammy as Detective Rachelle Winters
Francois as Billy, the Sheriff's son
Poppinfresh as Father Joseph, Johnny the high school quarterback
Tay as Nurse Becky, Jenny the farmer's daughter
Cupcake as Sally, the high school sweetheart
The Undead
Irish as the green zombie horde
Kimee as the brown zombie horde
Bluey as the red zombie horde
The Scenario
Our six heroes show up outside of town on a pickup truck. They are charged with the task of searching the town for two biocannisters of virus cure and returning them to the truck with at least one hero. They have 17 hours (turns) to complete the mission.
The Game
The game began very ominously in a heavy rain storm (courtesy of the zombies) which initially slowed down the heroes' movements for several turns. All three zombie hordes spawned near the maximum amount of undead (6 red, 5 green, 6 brown), putting 17 undead on the board right from the start. It looked rather grim. As the zombies started their slow convergence on the heroes, Billy, Father Joe and Amanda shot out of the gate quickly and approached the center of town first.
As Father Joe searched for items a few yards away, Billy and Amanda dropped to the soaked muddy thoroughfare and went at it like wild feral cats (courtesy of the zombies playing the infamous "last night on earth card"), and forfeited a turn. With the zombies still not in striking distance, the tryst did not cost the heroes much and apparently inspired the normally weak playing Billy to new heights. Amanda, on the other hand, devastated by sleeping with such a "loser", went on a personal rampage with a hangun to the tune of 7 dead zombies on 9 successive turns. It was as if her personal soundtrack should have been "Every zombie run, the prom queen has got a gun!".
Nurse Becky and Detective Rachelle stayed fairly close to the truck and successfully fought off the first wave of zombies while protecting the escape path. Rachelle, a female minority, however, enhanced stereotypical ideas that quota hiring systems are not a good thing by not being able to hit the broad side of a barn with her service pistol and eventually, it ran out of ammo. However, the pair managed to stay alive fighting in the cornfields, partially hidden from the zombie horde. Nurse Becky was able to locate the first cannister quickly and fought off several wounds to return it to the truck. Thankfully, at this point, the heavy rain ceased.
As Amanda went on her killing spree, Billy was thwarted from searching an area by zombies and realized that he had left something (his condoms, according to Irish's narrative) at the high school, and had to make a mad dash to retrieve them.
Sally, the high school sweetheart decided to proceed deep into the town alone to check out the abandoned airport hanger. Upon entering it, she found an empty cannister and immediately the hanger was taken over by 3 spawning zombies with another blocking the only door.
Upon reaching the high school, Billy found the second cannister right beside his condoms. The trip to the school actually was a stroke of dumb luck. Immediately 4 zombies decended upon Billy inside the school.
Then the tide started turning the zombies' way. Nurse Becky finally succumbed to the brown zombie horde. Father Joe tried to clear a path for Billy outside the high school with a flare gun but took a wound from a red infected zombie. In an effort to cure his own wound, Fr. Joe took another wound which immediately transformed him into a Zombie Hero, controlled by the red zombie hoard. Nurse Becky, then fell to the zombie hoard. Lastly, the gun crazed and possibly pregnant prom queen, Amanda, finally fired an errant shot and was also swallowed in the wave of zombies creating Zombie Heroes, Becky and Amanda, carrying possibly a zombie child.
The Heroes were one lost hero away from losing. Billy was surrounded in the school by four zombies, Sally was surrounded in the hangar by her own four zombies and new heros Jenny, Johnny and Sheriff Anderson were just spawning and were no where near to help. Johnny had a 5 in 6 chance to kill Zombie Hero Father Joe with a flare gun and it clicked empty in his hand (with a roll of a 1).
Sally and Billy miraculously fought their zombies off and started their mad dash through town back to the truck. Billy met up with Johnny in the bank and formulated a plan to run an end around past the zombies. Jenny joined Detective Rachelle in her home turf, the cornfield, and helped clear a path for Johnny and Billy. Sally got stuck fighting Zombie Hero Becky.
As Billy tried to dash out the front door of the bank, the zombies locked the door, but Johnny pulled found keys out of his ass which allowed the pair to escape the building. The heroes were running for the truck as the zombie horde chased them through town. But, a bottleneck at the junkyard entrance finally deterred the heroes from making a clean escape. Billy took multiple wounds that he was able to heal twice before dying. Sally was able to continue to fight off Zombie Becky. Jenny was an absolute force in the cornfield fighting alongside Rachelle and was able to heal Billy a moment before he was about to take a deadly wound. Zombie Amanda had an impossible time finding them in the cornfields.
With 5 hours left in the game and many of the heroes one wound away from death, Billy made a very courageous decision. Sensing an imminent hero death, he raced into the cornfield into the zombies and Hero Zombie Amanda and handed off the cannister to Rachelle. Rachelle, then, made a mad dash to the truck and left with the two cannisters, leaving the surviving heroes, to die in the town of Woodinvale...
No zombies were harmed in the making of this film.
All in all, a very enjoyable night! The game took four hours to play with 9 people and was absolutely riveting. This game did not disappoint. The game momentum kept going back and forth all game and a handful of individual decisions absolutely made the difference in the outcome of this game. Thank you to all that attended and made the evening an absolute blast!
Please feel free to add your comments, memories and favorite moments from the game.
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