Nancy Pelosi may be one of the most disingenuous folks ever to serve in the government. The blatant lies, fabrications and misleading statements that come out of her mouth are rivaled only by her colleagues, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Harry Reid.
After getting on her high horse against the CIA's use of enhanced interogation techniques, including waterboarding, it turns out the bitch was briefed not once, twice, but several times and possibly many, many times. Of course, admitting she is wrong is not an option. She just crafts a different story. Apparently, now she only knew that waterboarding was a "possible technique" and didn't know the CIA was using it at the time. The CIA documentation also refutes that.
I'm sure that when video comes out of Nancy Pelosi actually witnessing and clapping while a prisoner was being waterboarded, she'll craft another clever ruse which will be gobbled up by her gullible constituency.
"They told me that they were bathing him! I had no idea!"
The Democratic congress also claimed that these enhanced techniques yielded no useful information and suggested that charges be brought against the past administration.
Guess what, that turned out to be a lie too. And finally, sensing that their asses would be spanked if proceedings on this matter ever saw the light of day, they finally gave up. But not until Republicans pressed for more information such as Nancy's big fat lies about not knowing anything about it. And MoveOn.org is still pressing the issue. How stupid can those folks possibly be? Do they want their precious sacred cows to be exposed as liars?
Obama smartly buried this issue, saving his party a ton of embrassment.
It never ceases to amaze me that politicians expect 100% honesty from others, when they provide almost none themselves.
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