And, no, I won't be putting on any clinics in hunting. Fourteen, yes that's 14 bullets later, I got my buck...
The two bucks I shot at, stood out in the field posing carelessly and were mocking me while I fired 7 shots at each. Neither seemed in a hurry to get going anywhere or had any other pressing engagements.
Or maybe they felt that if they had to have a hunter shooting at them, I was their man!
Well, maybe closing my eyes on the last shot was what did it (I'm kidding) as now I have tons on venison in the freezer!!!
Glad the deer weren't shooting back at you, you might have been in trouble. If only you had your namesake plasma grenade, those deer would have not had a chance.
Wait until you see the video of this war zone I have. Hopefully Bluey will have a link on it. SHOOT HIM!! Classic.
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