
Fatties Rejoice!

Finally! No more chunking out while binge drinking good ol' H2O. Now I can pound down my 8 glasses of water a day without developing cottage cheese ass and blubber flaps. Science finally has a breakthrough that will allow us all to look like Kate Moss as early as this summer.

So drink up and let's all be thin for a change. Now that we don't have to worry about the water weight, scientists can concentrate on making the fat-free pizza and lo-cal fried cheesesticks!

It's truly amazing what morons will buy. Props to Long/Short Capital for bringing this photo to my attention.

1 comment:

Ace said...

WTF! Please tell me this photo is a joke? Cause I couldn't stop laughing. Wow, I guess anything these days will sell. Maybe it's time I put together some sort of BS "diet" product and bank in on it!

Bluey's World Merchandise