(Mama Meersky as seen in Art Studios playing deck circa 1954)
Fresh from his triumphant return from the hamdog residence in Awahoo, Mr. Bubbles was pimping out his oldest ho's for those in attendance to enjoy!
Those attending the festivities included:
The Swallowers: FNG, Officer Mehoff, Mrs. FNG and Choder (as Mayor McCheese of Swallower's Row, who enjoyed residential status but lived in an Upper St. Clair condo as his primary residence). Officer Mehoff and Mrs. FNG served as the King and Queen of the Row.
The Gaggers: Griffin (Grimace), Herr Gavo (The Hamburgler), Irish (Ronald McDonald) and Bluey. Herr Gavo and Cullster served as the Ivory throne rulers of team Gag. Meersky joined later and became what else? The Octagon or the Human Stop sign.
Tracer was also in attendance but refused to choose or preference between swallowing and gagging.
The gang enjoyed some Mineo's pizza, enjoyed Gavo's new short movie entitled "The Shaft", before quite possibly the strangest game of BS Poker broke out. The table divided right down the middle and became a battle between the Swallowers and the Gaggers. An absolute war broke out and continued according to a Mason-Dixon like feud. After about 3 hours of tense play, the table was mixed up and all roads led to a stop sign (Mr. Meersky).
The evening saw much drinking as even Bluey got drunk on sangria (with Choder and Mrs. FNG) and Mrs. FNG couldn't keep a chair under her towards the end of the evening.
The memorable quotes of the night (special thanks to Irish and Griffin, who compiled them):
"Jack's in the army so he's used to fucking guys" Irish?
"The Karma cut" Irish
"I know what a full house is motherfuckers ..." Mrs. FNG
"You should recognize this flag. It roamed around Germany quite a bit", FNG to Herr Gavo as he pointed to the American flag.
"It does not pay to gag on swallowers row", Bluey to Swallowers Row after a gag cost a resident a quarter.
"Jody is mayor gags-a-lot of the town of Swallowers row" Bluey
"There's nothing worse than swallow on swallow crime", Irish after the Swallowers started to eat their own in a series of betrayals.
"They are cheating and they're still losing..." Herr Gavo
"The trust tree has termites." Griffin
"And theres a beaver at the trunk (of the trust tree, reference to Mrs. FNG)" Bluey
"You can join one of us" Officer Mehoff to Griffin
What, so I can be in the majority of the losers?" Griffin
"Swallower's row has just become Windy Knob"
"I was in the woods with my brother that day" Officer Mehoff
"I bet you were!" Bluey
"(According to Meersky) The hooters chicks hit the wall before the deck was even printed" Bluey
"The beaver chased away the termites..., trust has been returned"
"I reinvest... I flush" Herr Gavo on his investments in Swallower's Row.
"He (Officer Mehoff) just ordered Choder to fall on the cock"
And then we brought out the 1954 Art Studios Granny Cards provided by the Octagon. Then all hell broke loose!
"Granny has a tranny" Herr Gavo
"You would squirt blood before you'd squirt semen, if you spanked off to these cards!" Bluey
"That's why the plastic is on there (pic of Bluey's kid)... so you can give her the money shot"
Irish was given a pair of jacks then says to Bluey "pair of sixes". When told by Officer Mehoff that a pair of sixes don't beat a pair of jacks, he gets confused.
Gavin fucks up a straight by "improving it" to 2 aces.
"Is this your first day?" Meersky to Herr Gavo on handing the cards to Bluey rather than Meersky on the deal.
"Is he really retarded? Officer Mehoff to Irish about Gavo.
"Look at Griffin over there...the little mother fucker"
Overall, a very tense but enjoyable night. BS Poker was played until around midnight at least until the festivities were brought down by an episode of "Cops: Skeevemont", and heads started getting cracked.