

Charlie Rangel, (D-NY), House Chairman of the Ways and Means Commission.

That means that he is in control of the administration of all tax bills written in the federal legislative branch. That is even an oversimplification of his role.

Problem is, he knows absolutely jackshit about his job.

In the past few years he's come up on tax evasion charges related to properties that he "forgot he owns" and didn't pay taxes on them as well as an assortment of other tax issues.

His response? He said he didn't understand the tax code and made an honest mistake.

Hello? This guy, not only a fucking tax dodging cheat, also claims ignorance to the process for which his chairmanship is based?

Surely, he would have been forced to resign his chairmanship at the very least and be faced to answer ethical violations for knowingly hiding wealth from the federal government.


Now, today, it comes out that the guy received trips to the Caribbean paid for by unnamed corporate sources. A direct violation of House ethics, and you know what his response was? Here is an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal:

After several months of investigation, the ethics panel determined Mr. Rangel didn't inform the ethics committee of the corporate source of funds for trips that took place in 2007 and 2008. The panel determined his staff knew the trips were paid for by corporations, and found that Mr. Rangel—who says he didn't know—should still be held accountable, officials said.



Mr. Rangel, central player in Congress on tax and health care legislation, called a news conference late Thursday and said there is "nothing in the record" to indicate he knew the source of funding for the trips, and questioned whether members of Congress should be held accountable for errors by their staff, the Associated Press reported.

Of course there is "nothing in the record" implicating him. This guy is a crook and the lowest of low scumbags.

He has the audacity once again to feign ignorance.

Usually, when people go on expensive trips, they know who is paying for them. Charlie must have just assumed that he fucking "owns the Caribbean"!

And who does he blame? His staffers. That's a real class move. He basically outed the people that have to put up with him on a daily basis as a bunch of dumbasses that just don't know better.

Of course once again, he'll escape any liability from the Democrat controlled Ethics committee. Some people are pushing for him to give up his chairmanship of the Ways and Means.

He should of lost that last time. This guy should be asked to step down as House Rep for the State of New York and charges against him should be pressed.

How can we expect any sort of meaningful change in Washington, when we do nothing to reign in it's biggest scumbags?

We truly get what we deserve.


Loni, My NY Rangers Good Luck Charm!

Loni and I went to the Pens-Rangers game tonight and were treated to one heck of a game.

Loni, who was born in that magical NY Ranger year of 1994 has consistently brought the team luck, even though she is a self avowed Penguins fan.

She did her magic again tonight as Ollie Jokinen scored about a minute or so into the overtime period to give the Blueshirts the 3-2 victory!

We even saw a Matt Cooke-Chris Drury mini-fight.


Blizzard Fun 2/9/2010

Bluey's World Obituary: John Murtha

The US economy just got a much needed improvement with the death of John Murtha yesterday.

No longer does the rest of the country have to foot the bill for all his earmark pork.

He was the classic example of what is wrong with the government. He believed that the US taxpayer worked to provide his pet projects. He was excellent at providing the grift for his constituents and never met a pork filled bill he didn't like.

He also was a Vietnam veteran who had a piss poor record supporting our troops. He viewed the US itself as the greatest threat to world peace. What a putz!

I find it very ironic that he trusted a military hospital with his gall bladder surgery after all the bad juju he brought on our troops. His surgery was botched at the Bethesda Naval Hospital which resulted in his death.


Happy Sweet 16, Loni

My daughter, Loni turns 16 today! Last night we enjoyed a sushi dinner at Benichopstix.

16 years went so fast!

Happy birthday sweetheart!

Bluey's World Merchandise